Mobile Release Notes

iOS 2.17.0

October 16, 2024

This release includes a subscribe/unsubscribe button for notifications on organization and location screens, the ability to sign in with Apple and Google, new shortcut items to make it easier to launch the app using Siri and Shortcuts, and a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.13.0.)


  • Add a subscribe/unsubscribe button for notifications to organization and location screens.
  • Implement "Sign in With Apple" and "Sign in With Google".
  • Implement new shortcut items to make it easier to launch the app using Siri and Shortcuts.


  • Update the "Notification Settings" screen to account for the new "Organization & Location Subscriptions" functionality.
  • If preferences have been saved, use them to sort quick filter shortcuts on the community home screen.
  • Improve date/time formatting for post cards.
  • Change the "Reserve Now" label to "Book Now".
  • Update the app's crash reporting to ensure as much information as possible is captured for critical issues.
  • Update the copy for the offline banner, and add a tappable info icon to provide more information about offline functionality.
  • Add a "Status" select control to the "Me > Challenges" screen.
  • Refactor classes and migrate some screens to SwiftUI to improve performance/stability and pave the way for new features to come.


  • Change the title of the first screen in the delete account flow to "Delete Account".
  • Update the close button on bottom sheets to be consistently positioned to the left, with the title centered.
  • The "Please Log In To Continue" screen is missing a "to" in the body label.
  • The "Create a Report" option is not available for some users when logged in.
  • Increase the tappable area of the text area in the "Create a Post" screen.
  • Address a wording issue in the "Way to go!" confirmation modal after creating a review.
  • Fix several rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.10.3

October 9, 2024

This release includes updates and fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 3.10.3.)


  • Implement a new library to support improved geofenced alerts in a future release.


  • If there's at least one review for a location, tapping on the reviews label should switch to the "Social" tab and apply the "Reviews" filter.
  • Clean up some archived feature flags.
  • Update our feature flag system to add additional context for driving feature flag decisions.


  • Clean up some code to improve the stability and performance of the app.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

Android 3.10.2

October 4, 2024

This release includes the ability for organization staff to create posts as an organization and support for handling deep links embedded in text without opening an external web browser.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 3.10.2.)


  • Give users who are a member of one or more organization the ability to create a post as the organization.
  • Handle OuterSpatial deep links embedded in text without opening an external web browser.


  • Tapping on the "Subscribe to Notifications" button when not logged in should prompt the user to log in.
  • The "Alerts", "Check-Ins", "Posts", "Reports", and "Reviews" toggle buttons on the "Notification Settings" screen should collapse when toggled off.

Android 3.10.1

October 2, 2024

This release includes a subscribe/unsubscribe button for notifications on organization and location screens, the ability to sign in with Apple and Google, and a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 3.10.1.)


  • Add a subscribe/unsubscribe button for notifications to organization and location screens.
  • Support for adding an event to your calendar from the event screen.
  • Implement a new way to highlight feature highlights in the app.
  • Hook up a tap action for maps in report cards to make it easy to navigate to, and share, the attached location.
  • If an organization has a parent organization, show the parent organization's name and logo.
  • For users that are a member of one or more organization, show a new "Organizations" section on the "Me" tab.
  • Give users the ability to "Mute" other users in the app.
  • Implement "Sign in With Apple" and "Sign in With Google".


  • Update the "Notification Settings" screen to support the new "Organization & Location Subscriptions" functionality.
  • Improve date/time formatting for post cards.
  • Implement a consistent, unified design for the CSV, document, and paper map screens.
  • Change the "Reserve Now" label to "Book Now".
  • Update the library used for database reads and writes to improve performance and stability.
  • Implement an improved "Offline Mode" banner to improve usability and surface more information about the app's offline capabilities.
  • Start opening documents in an in-app web browser.
  • If a challenge deep link is followed and the user is not participating in the challenge, show the "Challenge Details" screen over the challenge screen.


  • Run through a round of internal improvements to improve the stability and performance of the app.
  • Ensure the "Reserve Your Spot" button only shows up on the event screen if the event is reservable.
  • Fix the margin at the top of the "Me > Saved > Locations" screen.
  • The margin at the top of the Explore screen is incorrect.
  • Text in the "View by:" select on the "View All Communities" screen displays too low.
  • Report post cards in the post detail screen do not show condition/hazard/incident information.
  • Fix an issue that's causing an empty blue "pill" to show up next to the location type label on location screens.
  • Update area maps so they only show the active area and its child locations.
  • Address an issue with selecting/deselecting a location on trail and point of interest maps.
  • Update the event screen to show a white background rather than a gray background.
  • Add more left/right margin to the "Related" carousel.
  • Address an issue caused by too much right margin displaying in quick filter buttons.
  • The bottom of the search bar is cut off.
  • The outing route line does not display properly on the map after following a deep link to open the outing screen.
  • Outing stop numbers are off by one on the outing screen.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.10.0

September 3, 2024

This release enhances the map "Locate" tool to support multiple tracking modes, adds additional context to location maps, and updates all maps to display closed locations. It also includes a number of smaller updates and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 3.10.0.)


  • Modify the "Locate" tool to support multiple tracking modes.
  • Surface more parent and sibling locations to improve location maps.
  • Implement custom cartography for closed locations.
  • Make the banner, name, and email sections tappable on the me tab.


  • Address an issue with community masks not showing up properly on the explore map.
  • Fix some rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.16.11

August 20, 2024

This release includes a new tap action on report maps to make it easier to route to and share the report location. It also includes a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.10.)


  • Add a new tap action on report maps to make it easier to route to and share the report location.


  • Move the "Preferences" section into the "Edit Profile" screen to improve discoverability and usability.
  • Implement a no network banner on article, event, location, and organization screens ahead of additional work on offline functionality.
  • Update the title of the "Me > Social" screen to "Your Social" to ensure consistency with other "Me" screens.
  • Refactor code throughout the app to improve performance and stability.


  • Ensure the current location dot shows up on location preview maps.
  • The location type label is not setup properly for a "Pending" check-in for a point of interest.
  • Add a title to the "Take a Photo"/"Choose from Library" activity sheet to improve usability.
  • The post detail screen for a "Pending" post is incorrectly titled "Review".
  • Remove the "Post to Instagram" option from the post detail screen's more activity sheet since the out-of-the-box share tool should now work.
  • Resolve an issue that could prevent the "Report" option from showing up in the create bottom sheet.
  • Update an internal library to resolve an issue that may have prevented crash reports from being submitted.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.19

August 15, 2024

This release includes a reorganized me tab and bug fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.19.)


  • Reorganize the me tab.


  • Address an issue that caused search to break.
  • Parent area information is missing from the location type label for check-in cards.

Android 3.9.18

August 14, 2024

This release includes significant improvements to the challenge and location screens, and internal updates/fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.18.)


  • Implement pagination for the challenge leaderboard.
  • Implement a number of improvements to improve the usability and performance of the challenge screen.


  • Post cards associated with "QR Code" challenge tasks are not labeled properly.
  • Some post cards are incorrectly labeled as reports.
  • The community loading screen freezes when switching communities.
  • Update location screens to address issues with the tabs not working properly in some cases.
  • Revisit how deep links are created to ensure they work properly on desktop.
  • Resolve an issue that caused the "To Do", "Done", and the "Social" tabs on the challenge screen to get out of sync.
  • Improve the loading time of the challenge "Social" tab.
  • Tapping on a default challenge task badge should not show the share modal.

iOS 2.16.10

August 13, 2024

This release includes the ability to search for communities in the explore tab, support for "cross linking" from text descriptions to specific screens in the app, a new way for the team to highlight product updates, and a slew of internal improvements and bug fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.9.)


  • Surface communities in the app search.
  • Start detecting OuterSpatial deep link URLs in web views, and ensure they open in the app without first opening in the on-device web browser.
  • Implement a new feature that will allow the OuterSpatial team to highlight important product updates.


  • Restructure the me tab to improve the usability of the screen.
  • Add bold styling to the current user's name in the challenge leaderboard.
  • Retire the paper map screen by opening paper maps in the organization screen in the preview map.
  • Add the ability to sort the "Me > Saved > Locations" screen by distance.
  • Update the challenge details and terms of service screens to present modally.
  • Automatically show the challenge details screen if a challenge deep link is followed and the user is not yet participating in the challenge.
  • Implement optimizations for database queries to improve performance.
  • Reorder the challenge "more" activity sheet items to improve usability.


  • When offline, searching can cause the app to freeze.
  • Ensure the Create a Report tool is available while offline.
  • Offline post cards stay in the social feed, even after being synced back to the server.
  • Only show the "interim step" after tapping on a challenge task card if the task has a related location.
  • Do not allow taps on challenge task badges that use the "default" badge image.
  • Clean up some margin styles for QR Code challenge task cards.
  • Fix an issue with deep link titles.
  • Address an issue that caused community loading to break when following a deep link associated with a community different than the active one.
  • Animated skeleton loading on social does not hide properly if only one post matches the currently-applied filter.

Android 3.9.17

August 6, 2024

This release adds a new "mask" to the explore map to focus your eye on the current community. It also includes a fix related to questionnaire challenge tasks.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.17.)


  • Add community masks to all maps to focus them on the community's area.


  • Address an issue that caused questionnaire challenge tasks to break.

iOS 2.16.9

August 2, 2024

Just in time for your weekend adventure, this release includes an updated challenge leaderboard so you can see all of a challenge's participants. It also includes a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.8.)


  • Update the challenge leaderboard to show all participants.
  • Improve the tap behavior for the location screen reviews label to handle when a location has no reviews and when a location has reviews.


  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.16

July 31, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.16.)


  • Do not reset the explore map bounds when the home screen is refreshed.
  • Ensure the selected area persists when tapping on a child location in the area detail map.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

iOS 2.16.8

July 30, 2024

This release includes a new feature that makes it possible to share a challenge badge you've earned, as well as a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.7.)


  • Make it possible to share a challenge badge that's been earned.


  • For outings that have multiple parent areas, show an indicator of the number of parent areas in the map card.
  • Improve geofenced notifications for challenge tasks.
  • Add the organization logo to the "Create a Report" success modal.


  • Paper map preview thumbnails and map tiles do not load.
  • Ensure tapping on the reviews text on location screens works for users who are not logged in.
  • Fix an issue that was causing paper maps to not display properly.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.15

July 30, 2024

This release includes the ability to share a challenge badge that's been earned and enhancements to the success modal that shows up after check-ins, posts, reports, and reviews are created. It also includes updates and fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.15.)


  • Make it possible to share a challenge badge that's been earned.
  • Support showing a custom success message after a challenge task or challenge is completed.


  • Enhance the success modal that shows up after check-ins, posts, reports, and reviews are created.
  • Add some language about following a challenge invite link for private challenges to the challenge empty message.
  • If an activity was selected while creating a report, prepend it to the report card title.
  • Update the name of the challenge participation and response CSV files to surfface more information.
  • Make it possible to scroll through all of a challenge's public participants on the leaderboard.
  • Display a default message when a challenge task card is tapped if no custom message is provided.

iOS 2.16.7

July 24, 2024

This release includes a new feature that surfaces challenges on the community and organization event calendars, implementation of a library to support challenge-related geofenced notifications, and a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.


  • Surface challenges on the community and organization event calendars.
  • Implement a new library to support a broader rollout of geofenced notifications.


  • Update App Store listings to highlight the new background location permission needed to receive challenge-related geofenced notifications.


  • Address an issue that caused report "pills" to get cut off when they ran to more than one line.
  • Fix a bug that caused the app to freeze after following a "QR Code" completion deep link.
  • Fix casing of "Check-In" label on challenge task cards.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.14

July 24, 2024

This release adds interactivity to trail and outing elevation profile charts and support for filtering "Social" by "type". It also includes updates and fixes to improve the usability, stability, and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.14.)


  • Make the trail and outing elevation profile chart interactive.
  • Support filtering "Social" based on type.
  • If a user has a primary organization, show the organization logo with their profile image.


  • Ensure default challenge task badges show up properly on the challenge "Done" tab.
  • The challenge questionnaire task number field does not accept any input.
  • Ensure the post_type property is set to "report" when a report is created.
  • Ensure the "child_account" property is always set to either true or false.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

iOS 2.16.6

July 18, 2024

This release includes a new calendar screen for organizations and improvements to: quick filter shortcuts, the "likers" functionality for posts introduced in the last release, the "Create a Report" tool, and the "Social" unread activity indicator throughout the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.6.)


  • Implement a new calendar screen that shows all upcoming organization events in a calendar view.


  • Filter the quick filter shortcuts on the community home screen so only filters that are available in the current community are shown.
  • Show a confirmation toast message over the explore screen after a quick filter shortcut is followed.
  • Improve the new "likers" functionality for posts.
  • Support multi-select for reports when a detailed map point is not added.
  • Improve the "Way to go!" modal for report creation.
  • Implement better "read" tracking for Social throughout the app.
  • If an organization has a parent area, use the parent area name and logo for display.
  • Implement an internal change to the feature flags library.


  • Update "Check-in" to "Check-In" in the social filter tool.
  • Fix a right padding issue in the event vertical collection view on the new event calendar screen.
  • Fix an issue that prevented the challenge screen from loading for logged out visitors.

Android 3.9.13

July 15, 2024

This release includes the ability to RSVP to an event, a "Share" option for challenges, and a new feature flag tool. It also includes a number of updates and fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.13.)


  • Add the ability to RSVP to an event.
  • Add a "Share" option to the challenge screen.
  • Implement a new feature flag tool.


  • Rename "Favorites" to "Saved" and switch to a bookmark icon from the star icon.
  • Update the SDK used to support the help center.

iOS 2.16.5

July 10, 2024

This release introduces improvements to events, including a new calendar view and the ability to RSVP, as well as enhancements to challenges and tools to make the app more useful for organization staff. It also includes several quality-of-life updates and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.5.)


  • Implement a new event calendar screen that shows all upcoming community events in a calendar view.
  • Add the ability for visitors to RSVP to an event, if the event is configured to allow it.
  • If a user is a member of one or more organization in the current community, show an "Organizations" section on the "Me" tab.
  • Add a toggle so users who are a member of one or more organization can choose to post as themselves or as an organization.
  • If a user has a primary organization, show the organization badge beside their profile photo.
  • Support showing a custom success message when a challenge or challenge task is completed.
  • Show up to three profile photos for "likers" on post cards, and hook up taps to show a screen with a list of all likers.


  • A post is now created when a "QR" challenge task is completed.
  • Ensure first and last name are only required in the "Complete Your Profile" screen in certain situations.
  • Display a default message for the interim step if a long description has not been set for a challenge task.
  • Implement an improved success modal for "QR" challenge task completion.
  • Implement detailed product engagement analytics for the challenge screen.
  • Update the "Ideas and Feature Requests" label to use an ampersand.


  • Implement the default badge for "QR Code" challenge tasks properly.
  • Fix the "Not Particpiating" modal so it works for all edge cases.
  • Fix some localizable string issues.
  • Remove ~20 pixels of margin/padding at the bottom of the "Experiences" tab on the community screen.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.12

July 10, 2024

This release includes a “Copy to Clipboard” option for directions, a new “Get Directions” button on the map selection point card, and automatic post creation for completed “QR Code” challenge tasks.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.12.)


  • Add a "Copy to Clipboard" option when getting directions.
  • Add a new "Get Directions" button to the top of the map selection point card.
  • Create a related post when a "QR Code" challenge task is completed.
  • Update the library that's used to load/manage images in the app.


  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.11

July 5, 2024

This release includes bug fixes and minor enhancements to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.11.)


  • Add a default badge image for "QR Code" challenge tasks.
  • Improve the way product engagement analytic events are named.


  • Address an issue where "Conditions" were not tappable in the "Create a Report" tool.
  • Address an issue that was causing "QR Code" challenge task badge images to not show up properly in challenge task cards.

Android 3.9.10

July 4, 2024

This release includes several fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.10.)


  • Do not allow check ins to expired challenges.
  • Address a crashing bug related to the "Create a Report" tool.
  • No challenges appear on the "Me > Challenges" screen.

Android 3.9.9

July 2, 2024

This release includes improvements to the initial download size of the app and a minor bug fix.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.9.)


  • Enable code minification to improve the initial download size of the app.


  • Address an issue that was preventing <hr /> HTML elements from rendering properly in some text areas.

Android 3.9.8

July 1, 2024

This update introduces the ability for challenge hosts to download participant and response reports directly from the challenge screen. Additionally, several bugs have been fixed.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.8.)


  • Users who are a member of the hosting organization for a challenge can now download participant and response reports from the challenge screen.


  • The "Finish Your Profile" screen is not scrolling properly on smaller screens.
  • Check-ins associated with points of interest are not writing properly to the database.
  • The "Create a Report" tool is broken when initiated from an outing screen.
  • "Draft" outings show up in the "Select a Location" screen when creating a report.
  • Ensure HTML <hr /> elements are rendered properly in text areas throughout the app.
  • Resolve a rare crashing bug.

Android 3.9.7

June 25, 2024

This release includes a fix for an issue related to checking in that impacted a small number of users.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.7.)


  • Address an issue related to checking in.

Android 3.9.6

June 24, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.6.)

Android 3.9.5

June 21, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.5.)


  • Address a crashing bug on the outing screen.

Android 3.9.4

June 21, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.4.)


  • Update an internal library to meet a new Google Play requirement.
  • Address a rare crashing bug.

iOS 2.16.4

June 21, 2024

This release adds a "Copy to Clipboard" tool to the directions activity sheet.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.4.)


  • Add a "Copy to Clipboard" tool to the directions activity sheet.

Android 3.9.3

June 20, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.3.)


  • Address an issue with Explore quick filters.
  • Fix an issue that caused posts linked to points of interest to not show up properly.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

Android 3.9.2

June 19, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.2.)


  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.1

June 17, 2024

This release includes a new challenge task type that allows you to scan a QR code to complete a task and a new age parental/guardian approval process for adventurers who are under 13 years of age.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.1.)


  • Add support for a new challenge task type that allows visitors to scan a QR code to complete a task.
  • Introduce a new age parental/guardian approval process for users who are under 13 years of age.


  • Internal refactoring to improve performance and stability.


  • The location type label is missing for report and review cards.
  • Resolved an issue that caused visibility specified for posts to not be respected in some cases.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.16.3

June 14, 2024

This release enhances includes a number of updates and fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.3.)


  • Force new users to answer yes/no age verification question when creating an account.
  • Implement skeleton loading for social screens.
  • Ensure under-13 users can only create private posts.
  • If a report has an activity, show it in the post card header.


  • Fix bottom padding on the location label for QR Code task cards.
  • Update style of report card pills to remove extra vertical padding.
  • Fix an issue that was causing some locations to appear multiple times in search results.
  • Fixed a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.9.1

June 12, 2024

This release includes a new challenge task type that allows you to scan a QR code to complete a task and a new age parental/guardian approval process for adventurers who are under 13 years of age.


  • Add support for a new challenge task type that allows visitors to scan a QR code to complete a task.
  • Introduce a new age parental/guardian approval process for users who are under 13 years of age.


  • Internal refactoring to improve performance and stability.


  • The location type label is missing for report and review cards.
  • Resolved an issue that caused visibility specified for posts to not be respected in some cases.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.16.2

June 10, 2024

Discover exciting updates in our latest release:

  • Scan and Go: Introducing a new challenge task type. Simply scan a QR code to complete tasks.
  • Parental Peace of Mind: We've added a new parental/guardian account approval process for young adventurers under 13.
  • Easy Scheduling: Add events directly to your calendar from the event screen.

Update now and enhance your outdoor adventures!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.2.)


  • Introduce a new challenge task type that allows visitors to scan a QR code to complete a task.
  • Introduce a new age parental/guardian approval process for users who are under 13 years of age.
  • You can now add an event to your calendar directly from the event screen.
  • Implement a new success modal with additional info after creating a post, check-in, review, or report.


  • Rename "Favorites" to "Saved" throughout the app and replace the star icon with a bookmark icon.
  • Highlight the ability to join a challenge by following a private challenge link in the empty text on the challenge screen.
  • Implement internal, technical improvements to improve the performance and stability of the on-device database.


  • The location name in the "Create a Report > Activity" screen was inadvertently hardcoded to "Ridge Trail Fire Road".
  • Address a few minor issues with the recent Spanish localization of user interface elements.
  • Community badge images in the onboarding community screen should not be cropped into a circle.
  • Fix the upper margin/padding spacing above the "Location" label on the report "Location Details" screen.

Android 3.9.0

May 21, 2024

Introducing the Create a Report tool! You can now report conditions, hazards, and incidents at locations you visit. This release also includes quality of life improvements and bug fixes to make your OuterSpatial experience even better.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.9.0.)


  • Introduce a new Create a Report tool.


  • Start opening bulletin board items of type "Link" in an in-app web browser.
  • Add a link to the "OuterSpatial for Visitors" product portal in the app's settings screen.
  • Surface the OuterSpatial logo, app version number, and copyright info at the bottom of the settings screen.


  • Ensure post text is formatted correctly before it's saved to the database.
  • Clean up the style of descriptions on article and organization screens.
  • The point of interest type does not display properly on the check in screen.
  • Increase the size of "Reservable Location" cards on area screens.
  • Ensure that post card elements display consistently in the social screen and the post detail screen.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.16.1

May 17, 2024

Introducing Interactive Elevation Charts

Now you can explore trails and outings in even greater detail with our new interactive elevation charts. Simply tap or slide your finger across the chart to see a dot on the map showing that location on the trail.

This release also includes a slew of enhancements to improve your app experience, like a "Directions" button for the map selection point card and smoother image loading, as well as bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.1.)


  • Elevation charts for trails and outings are now interactive. Tapping on the chart and/or sliding your finger across it will show a dot on the map that represents where the elevation is on the trail or outing.


  • Add a "Directions" button to the top of the map selection point card to make it easier to get directions to a selection point.
  • Improve the quality of images throughout the app by optimizing the image resolution.
  • Add the ability to pull to fresh on the "Your Favorites", "Your Favorite Locations", and "Your Favorite Organizations" screens.
  • Implement a consistent design for all "attachment" screens, including documents, paper maps, links, and CSV files.
  • Improve image loading transitions throughout the app.
  • Surface the OuterSpatial logo, version information, and copyright information in the app's settings screen.
  • Add an "Ideas and Feature Requests" link in the app's settings screen.


  • Clean up a few issues with Spanish language translations for labels.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tapping on locations that were close to the current location dot on maps.
  • Posts created with no text incorrectly write to the database with an empty HTML paragraph tag.
  • Remove app version info from the OuterSpatial section in the phone settings.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.16.0

May 13, 2024

Hey OuterSpatial adventurers!

We're excited to bring you some awesome updates in our latest release:

  • Introducing the new "Create a Report" feature! Now you can easily report conditions, hazards, and incidents at locations you visit.
  • We've made getting started a breeze with an improved app onboarding experience. Welcome aboard!
  • Need a break from certain visitors' posts? You can now "mute" them to hide their content from your feed.
  • The revamped "Me" tab brings all your posts together in one convenient place and lets you adjust your preferences with ease.

Plus, we've made a bunch of under-the-hood improvements and squashed some pesky bugs to make your outdoor experiences even better.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.12.0.)


  • Add a new "Create a Report" tool that makes it easy to report conditions, hazards, and incidents for locations.
  • Implement a new app onboarding experience that makes it easier to get started with OuterSpatial.
  • Add the ability to "mute" other visitors to hide their posts in your social feed.
  • Give organization staff the ability to access challenge reports from the challenge screen.
  • Integrate a tool that allows us to incrementally roll out new features to visitors.
  • Add Spanish language translations for all user interface elements. This is just the first step in our ongoing efforts to make OuterSpatial more accessible to all visitors.


  • Redesign the "Me" tab to merge all your posts in a single screen and allow you to update your preferences.
  • Update internal libraries to ensure the app is in compliance with Apple's new privacy manifest requirements.
  • Start opening "Link" bulletin board items in an in-app browser, with a button to open in an external browser.


  • Fix an issue that caused a janky refresh of a post cell after a like/unlike action.
  • Resolve an issue that was breaking an outing screen.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.23

May 7, 2024

Hey OuterSpatial explorers! You can now create check-ins, posts, and reviews even when you're off the grid! Never miss a chance to share your adventures. We've also fine-tuned the app to ensure a smooth and enjoyable app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.23.)


  • Add support for creating check-ins, posts, and reviews while offline.


  • Rework offline challenge task completion to ensure challenge locations can only be checked into once.
  • Update the endpoint an internal library hits to ensure notifications are triggered successfully.


  • Clean up styling of description text throughout the app.
  • The challenges tab on the community home screen does not update when switching communities.
  • Tapping on an organization card in favorites does not take you to the organization screen.
  • Auto-select of a challenge breaks for check-ins initiated from the location screen.
  • Ensure the challenge screen shows the correct status of tasks when activated.
  • Clean up a few design issues with the Agents of Discovery Missions carousel on location screens.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.22

April 15, 2024

A small update to address a bug.

From the last release: Woohoo! Now you can complete challenge tasks even when you're offline. Just create your response, then hit "Sync" once you're back online to officially complete the task. Easy peasy!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.22.)


  • Addressed a bug that prevented notifications from getting triggered successfully.

Android 3.8.21

April 15, 2024

Woohoo! Now you can complete challenge tasks even when you're offline. Just create your response, then hit "Sync" once you're back online to officially complete the task. Easy peasy!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.21.


  • Support saving challenge responses on-device when no network is available.


  • Update the endpoint an internal library hits to ensure notifications are triggered successfully.
  • Restructure a few internal queries to account for new data safeguards.


  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.20

April 11, 2024

This release includes internal improvements and bug fixes.


  • Update the endpoint an internal library hits to ensure notifications are triggered successfully.
  • Restructure a few internal queries to account for new data safeguards.


  • Fix an issue that was causing the subtitle on challenge task cards to display the wrong value for questionnaire tasks.
  • The article screen sometimes shows the incorrect title and date on initial load.
  • Ensure the "You earned a badge!" modal only shows up for pending challenge responses after they've successfully synced.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.19

April 4, 2024

This release includes internal improvements and bug fixes.


  • In Hawai'i, hide the "Hunting Check In" challenge from the create floating action button on location screens.


  • Submitting a "Pending" challenge response doesn't mark the related challenge task as done.
  • The "Get Directions" section on the event screen should show the name of the event location.
  • Fix a rare crashing bug.

iOS 2.15.18

April 2, 2024

This release adds the ability to share a challenge and addresses a few bugs.


  • Add the ability to share a challenge from the challenge screen.
  • Update the "search" question type to support a new "title_field_id" configuration.


  • The create a post screen should show the point of interest type, if available, when initiated via a challenge task card.
  • An empty challenges section shows up on location screens that have expired, but no open and upcoming, challenges.
  • Resolve an issue that was preventing the challenge screen from loading properly in a few rare situations.
  • Address a rare crashing bug.

Android 3.8.20

March 25, 2024

This release addresses a bug related to icons on the app's tab bar.

Android 3.8.19

March 25, 2024

This release adds the ability to quickly share your current location by tapping on the blue location dot on any map in the app. It also includes a number of bug fixes and performance improvements to make your OuterSpatial experience better.


  • Quickly share your current location by tapping on the blue location dot on any map in the app.


  • Implement an improvement to fix potential performance issues in queries throughout the app.
  • Migrate the "Report a Post" and "Report a Comment" tools to use the in-app help system.
  • Implement haptic feedback for the tab bar.
  • Improve the in-app review system to make it easier to rate and review the app in Google Play.


  • Update the outings export URL to use the new domain.
  • Address a crashing issue in the app initialization.
  • Address a crashing issue caused by "Unnamed" locations in the "Get Directions" tool.

iOS 2.15.17

March 25, 2024

This release includes a fix for an issue that was causing community loading to freeze on some devices, along with a few other bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Improve the community loading and location distance calculations to prevent the app from freezing on some devices.
  • Ensure the "Hawai'i Hunting Check In" challenge is available in the "Hawai'i" community when the create bottom sheet is shown from location screens.
  • Update the outings export URL to use the new domain.

iOS 2.15.16

March 19, 2024

This release includes a fix for an issue that was causing community loading to freeze on some devices.


  • Downgrade the version of an external library to address an issue that was causing community loading to freeze on some devices.

Android 3.8.18

March 19, 2024

This release addresses some bugs we hope you never noticed!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.18.)


  • Ensure the distance away label on map feature info cards is setup properly.
  • The "Cancel" button on the "More" bottom sheet does not close the bottom sheet properly.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.17

March 15, 2024

This release introduces a "More" menu on organization, location, article, and events screens that includes new "Report an Error" and "Suggest an Edit" tools. It also includes internal improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.17)


  • Add a "More" menu to organization, location, article, and event screens with new "Report an Error" and "Suggest an Edit" tools.


  • Improve the loading and refresh performance of Social throughout the app.


  • Address an issue that may prevent the "Share" tool from working properly.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.15

March 15, 2024

This release includes internal improvements and bug fixes.


  • Improve the performance of Social queries throughout the app.
  • Capture additional contextual information for "Report an Error" and "Suggest an Edit" submissions.


  • Fix an issue with the nearest community suggestion during app onboarding.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.16

March 11, 2024

This release includes incremental improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.16.)


  • Show a persistent call to action on "Agents of Discovery Mission" and "LAZ Parking" point of interest screens.
  • Improve the performance of all post queries by updating the sort order.
  • Refactor the organization screen to improve performance.


  • Do not clear the "Explore" map state when navigating back to it from another screen.
  • The "Explore" map does not clear properly when quick filters return no results.
  • Address an issue with sorting by "Verified" on the home organizations tab.
  • Update community loading to fix a crashing bug.
  • "Your Posts" on the "Me" tab incorrectly shows reviews.
  • Location cards without a name under "Favorites" on the "Me" tab should be labeled "Unnamed".
  • Ensure points of interest with a point type of "POI" are labeled as "Point of Interest in the "Explore" tab list view.
  • Images on "Agents of Discovery Missions" cards do not extend all the way to the edge.
  • The location validated checkmark should never show up for results in "Explore" search.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.14

March 8, 2024

This release includes improvements, including the ability to tap on your location to quickly share it and updates to the community loading process, and bug fixes to elevate your OuterSpatial experience.


Tapping on the blue location dot on the map now shows the map selection point card, making it easy to share your location with others.


  • Add the community name, clear step labels, and the ability to "Tap to Cancel" when on a slow network to the community loading screen.
  • Update how distance away labels are calculated to take into account area, trail, and outing bounding boxes.
  • Show the green checkmark on challenge task cards if their location is near enough to be considered location-validated.


  • The left side of the list view button on the Explore tab moves when toggling between the map and list view.
  • Resolve a race condition that occasionally caused crashes during the app setup process.
  • Fix an issue that was causing paper maps to not display properly.
  • Resolve an issue that was preventing the in-app help tool from working properly.
  • On the Community Gallery screen, the badge image and name are empty for the currently-selected community if it's private.
  • The "Get Directions" tool on outing stop screens should show the distance away from the visitor's location.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.15

March 8, 2024

This release includes a fix related to location ratings.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.15.)

iOS 2.15.13

February 29, 2024

This release includes significant updates to how data is loaded and managed by the app. It also includes enhancements and fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Update the library used for data download, caching, and access to improve the stability and performance of the app.
  • Display the badge award modal when challenge tasks are completed via the create button.
  • Implement haptic feedback for the main tab bar.
  • Ensure all visitor profile images use the "unrounded" treatment.
  • Migrate challenge enrollment data access to new queries.


  • Inputs on the "Edit Profile" screen should extend to the edge of the screen.
  • The likes count does not update properly when a post is liked or unliked on the challenge social tab.
  • Tapping on a post in the social screen opens up the incorrect post in the post detail screen.
  • Address an issue that was causing sorting of the Explore list view to not update properly when the visitor's location changes.

Android 3.8.14

February 29, 2024

This release includes improvements to application loading and community switching, as well as a number of internal enhancements and bug fixes to make your OuterSpatial experience better.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.14.)


  • Show the community name on the community loading screen.
  • Use more specific language for messages on the community loading screen.


  • Tapping "Cancel" on the community loading screen does not cancel the community load.
  • When no network is available, switching into an offline community takes you back to the community gallery with no way to get out of the loop.
  • The top margin of the map compass is greater than it should be.
  • Add margin at the bottom of the social tab throughout the app.
  • Sorting alphabetically in the explore list view is broken.
  • Updating sorting for the organization "Verified" filter on the community home screen.
  • Fixed a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.13

February 23, 2024

This release introduces support for LAZ Parking and Agents of Discovery Missions to the app. It also includes a number of bug fixes and performance improvements to make your OuterSpatial experience better.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.13.)


  • Added support for Agents of Discovery Missions.
  • Added support for LAZ Parking locations.


  • Removed Firebase Crashlytics from the project.
  • Migrate queries to use a new public challenge enrollments table.


  • The community database does not load properly in some edge case scenarios.
  • Fix organization sorting on the community home screen.
  • Community bounding boxes on maps throughout the app are bigger than they should be.
  • Tapping on "Cancel" on the community loading screen does not cancel the community load.
  • The "Community Library" screen does not scroll vertically on smaller screens.
  • Address a number of rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.12

February 18, 2024

This release addresses some bugs related to cached data not refreshing properly.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.12.)


  • The "Social" tab does not refresh properly after checking in as part of a challenge.

Android 3.8.11

February 17, 2024

This release addresses some bugs.

(These release note also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.11.)


  • Bulletin board items sort incorrectly on the community home screen.
  • Log in is broken for some visitors.

iOS 2.15.12

February 16, 2024

This release introduces a new tool that can be used to filter posts by type (Official, Check-In, Review, etc.) throughout the app. It also includes improved loading for all screens and a number of important bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Add a new filter tool that can be used to filter posts by type (Official, Check-In, Review, etc.) throughout the app.
  • Improve the performance of data loading and caching by upgrading to the latest version of the Apollo client.


  • Implement skeleton loading for all screens.
  • Update location sorting and "Away" text to account for when the visitor is located within a polygon.
  • Improve the initialization of social throughout the app.
  • Implement a new design for the navigation bar on the "Stop" screen.


  • Resolve an issue that sometimes caused locations to sort incorrectly in the "Select a Location" screen when restoring the app from the background.
  • Liking/unliking a post in the "Social" tab of the challenge screen does not update the post card properly.
  • Location detail labels on post cards should truncate at the end of one line.
  • Address issues related to accessing the on-device database for offline posts on the main thread.
  • Clean up constraint warnings for all screens.

Android 3.8.10

February 16, 2024

This release includes improvements to application onboarding and community switching, as well as a number of internal enhancements and bug fixes to make your OuterSpatial experience better.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.10.)


  • Surface communities that are available for offline usage in the "View All Communities" screen.
  • Support canceling out of the community loading screen to help when launching the app with a slow network connection.


  • Resolved edge case bugs related to the application and community setup process.
  • Address issues with on-device data caching that may have impacted offline availability for some screens.
  • Fix a number of rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.9

February 14, 2024

This release includes bug fixes and improvements to enhance your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.9.)


  • Fix the margin/padding above post text in the post detail screen.
  • The layout of the event screen is broken for events that do not have a photo.
  • The "Explore the Map" text is not tappable on the organization screen.
  • The incorrect challenge name shows up after completing a challenge.
  • The organization screen shows incorrect verification information after following a deep link.
  • Fix a number of rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.11

February 4, 2024

This release includes bug fixes.


  • Deleting a check-in that has a related challenge response shows an error message, even when the delete is successful.
  • Clean up a few remaining date/time formatting issues.
  • The "Home" button icon on maps is not colored properly in dark mode.
  • Remove extra space underneath the bottom green tab border on the organization > "Information" tab.
  • The "Home" button on maps does not deactivate location tracking if active when tapped.

Android 3.8.8

January 29, 2024

This release adds a distance away label to Explore list view cards and fixes some bugs we hope you never noticed.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.8.)


  • Added a distance away label to Explore list view cards.


  • Tapping on a challenge card shows the challenge screen, but its loading indicator never goes away.
  • The post detail screen does not load properly.

iOS 2.15.10

January 26, 2024

This release includes a new home button on all maps to make it easy to reorient the map to its initial extent. It also includes enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Add a "Home" button to all maps to make it easy to reorient the map to its initial extent.


  • Add a "View Response" button to the "Challenge Response Submitted" modal.
  • When initiating deletion of a post that includes a challenge response, surface more information in the confirmation screen.
  • If the write to photo library permission is granted, write photos to a named album to keep the app's photos separate.
  • Capture the id of the currently-active community when a post is created to facilitate push notification creation and management.
  • Implement improved tap, processing, and completed feedback when liking/unliking a post.
  • Implement improved tap, processing, and completed feedback when favoriting/unfavoriting an organization or a location.
  • Display the email address a log in verification code was sent to in the "Check Your Email" screen.
  • Ensure only open and upcoming challenges are displayed on organization and location screens.
  • Improve date and time formatting throughout the app.


  • Fix an issue that was causing the bottom part of the camera view to show up with an incorrect color.
  • Ensure the challenge select on the check in screen is tappable even if only one challenge is available.
  • Open-ended challenges do not sort alphabetically when the "Open" and "Open & Upcoming" filters are applied.
  • Resolve an issue that was causing point of interest types to display as "POI" incorrectly.
  • Display the type for a point of interest on challenge task detail cards.

Android 3.8.7

January 26, 2024

This release adds a new home for your reviews and includes a number of smaller improvements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.
(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.7.)


  • A home for your reviews! The "Me" tab now has a "Reviews" section to show all your reviews for the community in one place.
  • A gentle nudge to start participating in a challenge. A "Join Challenge" window now displays when a check in is initiated for a location that's part of a challenge you're not yet participating in.


  • The check-in deletion confirmation window now makes it more clear when a challenge response will be deleted along with the check-in.


  • The green checkmark now shows up properly for all location validated check-ins.
  • Names on the community switcher at the top of the home screen now expand all the way to the right-edge, if the space is needed.
  • When creating a new check-in, the app now double checks a few things to ensure you aren't accidentally checking in to a location you've already checked in to.
  • Less bugs!

Android 3.8.6

January 12, 2024

This is a maintenance release to address a few bugs we hope you never noticed!
(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.6.)


  • Pagination is broken on the "Your Check-Ins" screen.
  • Fix a crashing bug that may have occurred for visitors after deleting their account.

Android 3.8.5

January 12, 204

This release adds a "View Response" button that can be accessed by tapping on a completed challenge task card. It also includes a number of improvements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.5.)


  • Add a "View Response" button that can be accessed by tapping on a completed challenge task card.
  • Start taking the current location into account when searching for a what3words address.
  • Capture the community a post was created in when creating a post.
  • Sort challenge responses by completion date/time, descending, to improve usability.


  • Address an issue that may have caused some authenticated operations to fail for visitors even when they're authenticated.
  • Improve image rendering for a post when it's first created.
  • Fix an issue that could cause the initial app load to freeze if exited and re-opened.
  • Resolve an issue that caused the "Get Directions" tool to not show up properly on location detail screens.
  • Clean up the styling of the "Please check your network connection." banner on the challenge screen.
  • Address an issue that caused point of interest type to not show up properly on point of interest screens.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.9

January 9, 2024

This release includes bug fixes and internal improvements to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Remove all references to old image upload service.
  • Deprecate location validated property on challenge responses now that it's available on posts.


  • Decrease the vertical spacing between the star rating and post text on review post cards.

Android 3.8.4

January 8, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.
(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.4.)


  • Fixed an issue that may cause requests that require authentication to fail even if the visitor is logged in.
  • Fixed a rare crashing bug.

Android 3.8.3

January 4, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.3.)


  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.2

January 4, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.2.)


  • what3words autocomplete in search should start after the first character in the last word is typed.
  • Do not show the location validated checkmark for what3words autocomplete suggestions.
  • Display what3words autocomplete suggestions with "///" at the beginning.
  • Locally format the elevation in feet in the map selection card.
  • Address a few rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.8

January 4, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.


  • Clean up the post card design to better handle ratings and posts with no description.
  • The mask behind the "Challenge Response Submitted" modal should cover the entire screen.
  • Fixed a rare crashing bug.

iOS 2.15.7

January 3, 2024

This release adds support for searching for what3words addresses, even when the app is offline. It also includes a number of bug fixes.


  • Add support for searching for what3words addresses, even when the app is offline.


  • Fixed a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.8.1

January 2, 2024

This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.1.)

iOS 2.15.6

January 2, 2024

This release includes a number of usability improvements and bug fixes.


  • Sort "Done" challenge task response cards by completion date, descending rather than completion date, ascending.


  • Do not allow multiple challenge responses for a challenge and location unless a challenge is setup to allow it.

Android 3.8.0

January 1, 2024

This release includes a redesign of the create tools (including a new Review tool), a new map long tap gesture, support for searching for what3words addresses, a new "Welcome" screen to facilitate app onboarding from partner systems, the addition of a "Reservable Locations" carousel to area detail screens, and improvements to the app's performance and stability.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.8.0.)


  • Added a new Review tool so you can share your experience at locations with others.
  • Added a new map long tap gesture that allows you to get latitude/longitude, what3words, and elevation data for any point on the map.
  • Introduced support for searching for what3words addresses.
  • Implemented a new "Get Started" screen in the onboarding flow and a new "Welcome" screen that shows up when you onboard into the app from a partner system.
  • Added a new "Reservable Locations" carousel to area detail screens to highlight campgrounds that can be reserved.
  • The community loading screen now shows the name and logo of the community that's loading.
  • Updated the image upload tool to improve upload performance.
  • Improved the performance and stability of challenge response submission.
  • Implemented haptic feedback for map tap and long tap gestures.
  • Migrated the app to a new image upload service to improve performance and stability.
  • Refactored challenge response submission to improve performance and stability.
  • Implemented a new change email flow on our website and added links to the new flow in the app.
  • The incorrect community name shows up at the top of the community library.
  • Tapping on a search result does not clear the active filters.
  • Challenge tasks that are open incorrectly show the lock icon.
  • Resolved an issue that was creating duplicate challenge responses.
  • Resolved an issue related to the app authentication that was causing some visitors to be logged out unexpectedly.
  • The back arrow in the search tool now takes you back to the explore screen rather than the home screen.
  • Fixed a number of rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.5

December 21, 2023

This release includes a new "Reviews" section on the me tab and a number of usability enhancements and bug fixes.


  • Add a new "Reviews" section on the me tab that surfaces all of the reviews you've submitted.


  • Implement a new challenge selection screen and implement it in the create a post flow.
  • Only allow one review per visitor, per location.
  • Switch the text area in the create a post screen to a multi-line control.
  • Hook the "Update Email" section in settings up to the new email update flow on the OuterSpatial website.


  • The keyboard incorrectly displays when the "Join Challenge" modal window pops up over the create a post screen.
  • The share floating action button on the location detail screen hides when the map selection point card displays, but does not show back up when the card is dismissed.
  • The map area to the left of the share button on the map selection point card is not tappable.
  • Subscribe/unsubscribe buttons are broken on the notification settings screen.

iOS 2.15.4

December 4, 2023

This release includes a new map long tap gesture implemented throughout the app that allows you to get latitude/longitude, what3words, and elevation data for any point on the map. It also includes enhancements and bug fixes.


  • Add a new map long tap gesture that allows you to get latitude/longitude, what3words, and elevation data for any point on the map.


  • Add haptic feedback to the Contribute tab bar and floating action buttons.
  • Add haptic feedback to map taps.


  • The keyboard incorrectly displays when the "Join Challenge" modal window pops up.
  • In the Check In screen, a challenge should not be preselected, or available for selection, if it's configured for one response and the visitor has already checked in.

iOS 2.15.3

November 17, 2023

This release includes bug fixes and improvements related to the recent redesign of the Contribute tools.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.11.2.)


  • Add haptic feedback to the "Submit" button on the Check In, Post, and Review screens and show an activity indicator while the submission is in progress.
  • Extend the photo to the edge of the screen in the Check In, Post, and Review screens.
  • Prompt challenge participation when checking in to a location that's part of a challenge that the visitor is not yet participating in.


  • Ensure a challenge is "Open" before showing it in the Check In screen.
  • Address an issue that prevented Check In location validation from working properly when no network connection is available.
  • Clearing a challenge on the Check In screen should not hide the "Add Challenge" section.
  • Typing in the Check In, Post, and Review screens is slow and laggy when a photo has been added.

iOS 2.15.2

November 9, 2023

This update includes significant improvements to how images are handled throughout the app, as well as a number of bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.11.1.)


  • Subscreens in the Me tab should start with "Your...".
  • Update the title of the post detail screen to reflect the type of post.
  • Improve image upload performance and stability by migrating to a new technical approach.
  • Start loading all images throughout the app from a new image service.


  • The area preview map does not set to the correct bounding box on load.
  • Editing an existing review incorrectly wipes out the star rating.
  • URLs in post comments are highlighted with an incorrect color.

Android 3.7.25

October 17, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.22.)

Android 3.7.24

October 17, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.21.)


  • Tapping on a point of interest location in the post cards opens the incorrect location detail screen.
  • Switching communities does not properly "reset" the Home and Explore tabs.
  • Editing a post shows the text of the post wrapped in HTML tags incorrectly.
  • Fix several rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.15.1

October 12, 2023

This update includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.11.0.)


  • Make the new star rating section at the top of location screens tappable.
  • Persist photos taken in the app to the on-device photo library.


  • Resolved an issue that caused the loading screen display to be delayed when submitting a post in bad network situations.
  • Fix incorrect header display for post cards.
  • Challenge selection should only be available for Check-Ins and not Posts or Reviews.
  • The loading screen should display when submitting a "PENDING" post.
  • Location descriptions in the new "Select a Location" screen center incorrectly when running to two lines.

iOS 2.15.0

October 3, 2023

This update includes the following improvements:

  • Support for rating and reviewing areas, trails, points of interest, and outings
  • Redesigned Check In and Post tools
  • Integration of three new partner systems: Tyler Outdoors, LAZ Parking, and Agents of Discovery
  • Internal enhancements and bug fixes


  • Add a Review tool for areas, trails, points of interest, and outings and surface ratings on location screens.
  • Integrate three new partner systems, — Tyler Outdoors, LAZ Parking, and Agents of Discovery — in location detail screens.
  • Implement an organization-branded welcome screen in a new partner onboarding flow.


  • Redesign the Contribute bottom drawer.
  • Redesign the Check In and Post tools.
  • Update the design of post cards to surface location validation information for check-ins.
  • Rework challenge response submission to improve performance and stability — especially in bad network situations.


  • Resolved an issue where the check in icon was not showing up properly for challenge tasks.
  • Resolved an issue where the email graphic was not showing up properly in the authentication screens.

Android 3.7.23

September 13, 2023

This release squashes a few bugs to improve the stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.20.)


  • Migrate to the standard in-app review library.


  • If an organization has no locations, hide the preview map and "Map" tab on the organization screen.
  • Ensure the Explore quick filters are reset when the community is changed.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.7.22

September 11, 2023

This release includes improvements to state restoration and fixes for a few rare crashing bugs.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.19.)


  • Screens restored from state should retrieve data from on-device cache and not the network.
  • Fix a rendering issue that causes a blank white area to show up on the location detail screen.
  • The main "Social" and "Me" tabs are not selected properly when the app restores from state.
  • Fix a few rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.7.21

September 5, 2023

This release includes app-wide enhancements to the mapping functionality, along with some bug fixes to enhance your overall OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.18.)


  • Improved the performance and usability of maps throughout the app.
  • Post cards now show more information about the associated location.
  • Improved state restoration for several screens.


  • Addressed a number of rare, crashing bugs.

iOS 2.14.33

August 23, 2023

Bug fixes and internal improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.33.)


  • Resolves an issue that prevented new events from showing up properly on the community home screen.

Android 3.7.20

July 12, 2023

This release includes improvements to the Get Directions tool, updates to the trail screen to highlight accessibility and activity tags that only apply to a portion of the trail, and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.17.)


  • The Get Directions tool now asks for mode of transit.
  • The trail screen now highlights accessibility and activity tags that only apply to a portion of the trail.


  • Remove the notification icon from the home screen and re-add the search icon.
  • Ensure the participant count on the challenge screen displays a locally-formatted number.
  • Fix a number of rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.14.32

June 27, 2023

This release surfaces full information about the location a post is attached to on the post card. It also addresses some rare crashing bugs.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.32.)

Android 3.7.19

June 20, 2023

This release includes some clean up of the favorites screens, as well as some bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.16.)


  • Cleaned up the design of the favorites screen.


  • Clicking on the magnifying glass in the search bar incorrectly navigates back.
  • Fixed a few crashing bugs related to permission grants and application loading.

Android 3.7.18

June 12, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.15.)

Android 3.7.17

June 12, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.14.)

Android 3.7.16

June 11, 2023

This release includes usability fixes for the search tool and major work on internals to improve the performance and stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.13.)


  • Cleaned up the community loading process.
  • Redesigned the search tool and added a back button to make it easy to exit search.
  • Improved the layout of the Explore list view cards.
  • Posts no longer require text or a photo to be created.
  • Implemented improvements to the app loading process to ensure the app loads as quickly as possible.


  • Addressed an issue that caused the on-device database to become corrupted in bad network situations, leading to Explore functionality breaking.
  • The organizations tab on the home screen should sort by distance, by default, if location permission is granted.
  • Search placeholder text does not go away when typing into the search field.
  • Clicking on the search close button does not always clear the search field.
  • The progress screen does not show up after pulling down to refresh the social tab.
  • The progress screen does not show up after logging in.
  • The badge count on the challenge "To Do" tab shows one less badge than it should.

iOS 2.14.31

June 8, 2023

This release includes a few bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.31.)


  • The label for post cells is generated incorrectly for "Official Alert" posts.
  • The app crashes when you try to view the location of a task card for a task that does not have a long description available.

iOS 2.14.30

June 6, 2023

This release includes a few new features, including:

  • Support for private communities
  • Updates to the trail screen to highlight accessibility, activity, etc. tags that only apply to some of a trail's segments

It also includes a few internal improvements to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.30.)

Android 3.7.15

June 5, 2023

This release surfaces latitude/longitude on all location screens and what3words on point of interest screens. It also includes bug fixes and performance/stability enhancements to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.12.)


  • Add support for private communities.
  • Surface copyable latitude and longitude on all location screens.
  • Surface copyable what3words on point of interest screens.


  • Add a clear button to the challenge section on the create a post screen.
  • Significant internal improvements to networking.


  • The app incorrectly logs you out when an authenticated request fails.
  • Authentication credentials occasionally do not refresh properly.
  • Pull down to refresh on location detail screens does not work.
  • Fix a number of rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.14.29

May 30, 2023

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.29.)


  • In the post detail screen, make the challenge name in the post header tappable if it's public or the visitor is participating in it.
  • Show the activity indicator screen while a new post is being created.
  • Show the activity indicator screen while a post is being deleted.


  • The activity indicator screen should display over the status bar when visible throughout the app.

Android 3.7.14

May 29, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve your app experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.11.)


  • Tapping on a post card to open the detail view is broken.
  • The community library doesn't always sort properly after giving the app permission to access your location.
  • The bottom of Explore list view cards are getting cut off.
  • Fixed several rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.7.13

May 24, 2023

This release includes some design improvements and bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.10.)


  • Cleaned up the layout of post cards.


  • Trails without elevation profiles should show just the "Length" section.
  • Addressed an issue that caused the Explore tab functionality to break for Trails LA County.
  • Fixed a number of crashing bugs.

iOS 2.14.28

May 19, 2023

This release surfaces latitude/longitude on all location screens and what3words on point of interest screens. It also includes a number of additional improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.28.)


  • Surface latitude/longitude on all location screens and what3words on point of interest screens.


  • Use the short month name for display of the challenge participation start date.
  • Update some "Distance" labels to "Length" to provide better context for what the label represents.
  • Clean up "Miles Away" labels throughout the app to provide more precision for nearby locations.


  • The "View All Documents" button does not show up properly for locations/organizations that have more than five documents attached to them.
  • Some challenge badge images do not display properly after being earned.
  • A blank visitor name shows up for some posts that were created before first and last name became required to create posts.
  • Posts attached to archived locations occasionally show up incorrectly in social tabs.

Android 3.7.12

May 19, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.


  • Fix a display issue with the "Add a Post" floating action button on the location detail screen.
  • Vertically center the more button in the challenge screen header.
  • Clean up the margin and padding for article and event cards in carousels throughout the app.
  • Tapping on a post card from within the social tab on the location detail screen is broken.
  • Checking-in to a challenge location from the location detail screen does not work.
  • Fix a number of rare crashing bugs.

Android 3.7.11

May 16, 2023

This release includes a few bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

Android 3.7.10

May 15, 2023

We've made some big improvements to the app that make it more stable and faster than ever before. Plus, we've tweaked a few things here and there to make it easier to use. We hope you enjoy the new and improved experience!


  • Tapping on a challenge card, and not on the "Challenge Details" button on the card, should take you directly to the challenge screen.
  • Implement a consistent design for "View by" select controls throughout the app.
  • Implement lazy-loading for challenge task cards to improve performance when loading the challenge screen and switching between the "To Do" and "Done" tabs on the challenge screen.
  • Migrated ~70% of the app code to Kotlin to improve performance and coding efficiency going forward.


  • When logged out, tapping on "Like" in a post card on the challenge > social tab should show the log in modal window.
  • The "Accessibility Description" on the location detail screen should display at the top of the "Additional Information" section.
  • Pulling down to refresh the main social tab does not work.
  • Clean up the horizontal spacing between "Related" cards throughout the app.
  • The "Additional Information" title on the location detail screen does not show up properly.
  • Resolved a number of bugs that were causing crashes for some visitors.

Android 3.7.9

April 23, 2023

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.9.)

Android 3.7.8

April 22, 2023

This release fixes an issue related to visitor profile images.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.8.)

Android 3.7.7

April 21, 2023

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.7.)


  • Pull in images from a new image provider to improve performance and stability.


  • Point of interest type is not showing up properly on the location detail screen.
  • More work on community loading to improve application stability.
  • Fix several edge cases that caused crashes.

Android 3.7.6

April 17, 2023

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.6.)


  • Display the "Distance Away" label on location cards in the Explore tab.
  • Update the formatting of "Distance Away" labels throughout the app.


  • Do not show "Additional Information" header in the location detail screen if no additional information sections are available.
  • Tapping on a point of interest card in the "Related" section does not always work.
  • Bulletin Board items are sorted incorrectly on the organization screen.
  • Address several crashing bugs.

Android 3.7.5

April 13, 2023

This release adds organizations, challenges, events, and articles to the Explore search tool. It also includes a number of fixes to improve the stability and performance of the app.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.5.)


  • Add organizations, challenges, events, and articles to the Explore search tool.


  • Changed "distance" label to "length" for trails and outings to clarify the label intent.
  • Finish implementation of new detailed location cards on organization, area, event, and article screens.


  • Address several issues with the community database download and mount process.
  • Fix some issues related to challenge check-in post creation.
  • HTML <hr> tags are not rendering in descriptions properly throughout the app.
  • Review crashes and address edge cases that are causing crashes.

Android 3.7.4

March 29, 2023

This release fixes an issue related to authentication.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.4.)


  • Fixed a bug caused by updates made to the authentication service.

Android 3.7.3

March 1, 2023

This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements for the challenges feature.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.3.)


  • Remove the "All" sort filter for challenges on the community home screen.
  • Work on the loading behavior for the challenge screen.


  • Handle exceptions that occur when the app tries to access an object in the cache that doesn't exist.
  • Expired challenges are not showing up properly when the filter is applied.
  • Challenge task completion text is formatted incorrectly for "All Tasks" challenges.

iOS 2.14.27

February 28, 2023

This release includes a number of usability improvements related to the challenges feature and some bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.27.)


  • Make "locked" challenge task cards tappable.
  • Increase the size of badges in challenge task cards.
  • Improve date/time formatting for challenge and event cards.
  • Lower tracing threshold for crash analytics.
  • Simplify detection of elevation data for trails and outings.


  • Add a background color for bulletin board items to better handle transparent images.
  • Topo background displays over text in one of the onboarding screens.
  • The challenge onboarding screen pops up over the challenge screen after following a deep link.
  • Fix sort behavior for challenge cards.

Android 3.7.2

February 26, 2023

This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements, mostly related to challenges.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.2.)


  • Challenge badge images do not show up properly on challenge task cards.
  • "Sort by" for challenges on the community home screen is broken for some open-ended challenges.
  • Fix a crashing issue.
  • Clean up date/time formatting for challenge cards.
  • The challenge social feed does not always scroll properly.

Android 3.7.1

February 22, 2023

This release addresses a few bugs and cleans up some design issues.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.1.)


  • Increase the size of the badge image in challenge task cards.
  • Resolve a few rare bugs that were causing crashes.
  • Fix an issue that was causing the "Community Library" and "View All Communities" screens to sort improperly.
  • Address some design inconsistencies on the "Community Library" screens.

Android 3.7.0

February 20, 2023

This release adds an elevation chart to trail and outing screens to give you a better idea of what to expect on your next adventure.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.7.0.)


  • Added an elevation chart to trail and outing screens.


  • App onboarding sometime gets "stuck" after following a deep link.
  • Update the "Map Gallery" label to "Overview".
  • Apply a fix for the "Get Directions" action on area, trail, point of interest, and outing screens.

Android 3.6.24

February 9, 2023

This release includes a new delete account flow, bug fixes, and some internal improvements to pave the way for some exciting new features coming soon.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.24.)


  • Implemented a delete account flow to allow visitors to delete their account directly from within the app.


  • The new article card design is now available on organization screens.
  • Styling for the "Upcoming Events" view has been touched up.


  • Ensure organizations show up as verified properly.
  • Communities in the Community Library do not sort by location properly.
  • Address some crashing bugs.

Android 3.6.23

January 28, 2023

This release includes bug fixes and internal improvements to ensure your OuterSpatial experience is as smooth as possible.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.23.)

Android 3.6.22

January 27, 2023

We are excited to announce our latest release, which includes some awesome updates to improve your experience with the app. Here are some of the highlights:

  • You can now take photos from your phone's camera and use them for posts and to update your profile
  • We redesigned many interface elements to make them easier to read and use
  • The verification status for organizations now surfaces in the organization screen
  • We improved the "award" behavior for challenge and challenge task badges to enhance the new gamification features

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.22.)


  • The ability to take photos directly from your phone's camera for posts
  • A major overhaul of the app's internal systems to make it even more stable and fast
  • Redesigned location, event, and article cards to make them easier to read and use
  • Verification status for organizations now surfaces in the organization screen, and we added a "Claim" button for unverified organizations
  • Add the ability to sort and filter challenges on the community home screen


  • Redesigned tabs throughout the app to increase the size of the click area and improve the aesthetics
  • The Explore map now automatically zooms to your location if it's within the active community
  • Reworked the header of the organization and location screens to improve legibility and usability


  • Improved "award" behavior for challenge and challenge task badges

iOS 2.14.26

January 21, 2023

This release includes a variety of bug fixes and minor enhancements to improve your experience using OuterSpatial.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.26.)


  • Tapping on a locked challenge task should display a detailed message about why the task is locked.
  • Implement improvements to our CI/CD.
  • Shore up the logic related to calculating if a challenge has been completed or not.
  • Set the default zoom level for the map locate control and the Explore map auto-zoom behavior to `14.0`.
  • Display a modal when the visitor taps on a task card for a challenge that is expired.


  • If displayed over the Explore tab, the log in modal disappears if backgrounding the app.
  • The "View All Documents" button does not appear properly on the location detail screen.
  • Fix the sort order for events on the Home > Experiences tab.
  • Ensure challenge tasks sort properly when sorting alphabetically when the task names start with numbers.
  • Fix a styling issue with the vertical alignment of the search bar in the Explore search screen.
  • The "Leaderboard" view at the top of the challenge social tab does not refresh properly after leaving a challenge.

Android 3.6.21

December 22, 2022

Hey there! We're excited to announce the addition of a "Post to Instagram" feature that allows you to easily share your OuterSpatial photos on Instagram. Plus, we've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to ensure a smooth and stable experience for you while using OuterSpatial. Thanks for your continued support!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.21.)


  • Added a "Post to Instagram" tool to make it easy to cross-post images from OuterSpatial posts to Instagram.


  • All "locked" challenge task cards are now tappable, so you can now view detail about the challenge task and open the attached location screen even if a challenge task is locked.
  • The "Social" tab on the challenge screen now hides for questionnaire challenges.


  • Bulletin board items linked to challenges do not display the item type properly.
  • Events with no image display incorrectly with an empty background.

Android 3.6.20

December 20, 2022

Introducing challenge gamification!

We are excited to announce that, for challenges that offer it, you can now earn badges for completing individual tasks and the overall challenge. You can also check out a list of task completions by other visitors and see where you rank on the leaderboard. In addition, we have redesigned the challenge task cards to clearly display important information about the associated location, including its distance from your current location.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.20.)


  • Added support for awarding challenge and challenge task badges.
  • Implemented a "Social" tab on the challenge screen that includes a real-time participant count and a "Leaderboard".


  • Redesigned challenge task cards to improve the clarity and legibility of each card.
  • Implemented new tooling to highlight app updates, in-app, and provide a simple update path.


  • Addressed issues with state restoration and the Reserve Now button.

Android 3.6.19

December 9, 2022

This release includes a new "Reserve Now" button for locations that are reservable. It also includes a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.19.)


  • Add a "Reserve Now" button for locations that are reservable in Tyler Technology's Recreation Dynamics system.
  • Implement improved crash reporting.


  • Move the sponsored community ribbon into community cards.


  • Resolved an issue that caused a session to persist incorrectly after logging out.
  • Posts attached to organizations do not show up properly in the community Social tab.

iOS 2.14.25

December 5, 2022

This release includes bug fixes and minor enhancements to improve the stability and usability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.25.)

iOS 2.14.24

December 2, 2022

This release includes bug fixes and minor enhancements to improve the stability and usability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.24.)


  • Add a library to help better debug crashes.


  • Resolve issue that was causing time-based notifications to persist after leaving a challenge.
  • The "View Badges" button should show the challenge "Badges" view on the "Done" tab.

iOS 2.14.23

November 27, 2022

This release includes internal improvements to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.23.)

iOS 2.14.22

November 22, 2022

This release includes internal improvements to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.22.)

iOS 2.14.21

November 22, 2022

This release includes internal improvements to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.21.)

iOS 2.14.20

November 22, 2022

This release includes internal improvements to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

iOS 2.14.19

November 21, 2022

Introducing challenge badges! For challenges that support it, you can now earn badges for completing individual challenge tasks and the challenge itself. Also, redesigned challenge task cards now display how far away a check-in location is from your current location.

This release also includes a host of stability, performance, and usability enhancements.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: Happy exploring!

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.19.)


  • Support for awarding badges for challenges and challenge tasks.


  • Take "Android" section out of "Beta Settings".
  • Update text on "Enable Location Services" button to follow Apple's guidelines more closely.
  • Redesign challenge task cards to improve usability.


  • "Almost there!" modal is taller than it should be.
  • The challenge leaderboard should show "ties" with the same ranking.
  • The "Social" tab on the challenge screen should not show up for questionnaire challenges.
  • Fix some state restoration issues with new elements on the challenge screen.
  • Changing challenge tabs does not always properly update the "To Do" and "Done" cards.
  • The title for the challenge onboarding screen does not show up properly.
  • Fix search bar styling when embedded in location search.
  • A post attached to an organization and not a location does not show up properly in the community "Social" tab.

iOS 2.14.18

October 19, 2022

This release introduces several new features — including new social and leaderboard functionality for challenges, a "Reserve Now" button on the location screen for locations (campgrounds, cabins, etc.) that are reservable, and a tool that allows you to delete your OuterSpatial account directly from within the app. It also includes a new look for article cards used throughout the app and a handful of minor bug fixes and improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.18.)


  • Add a Social tab, with a leaderboard, to the challenge screen.
  • Add a "Reserve Now" button to the location screen for reservable locations.
  • Support deleting an OuterSpatial account from within the app.
  • Implement a new design for article cards.


  • Improved formatting for distance and acreage numbers.
  • Improve deep link handling so the previous community does not have to load before loading the new community.


  • Article screen does not update between light and dark mode properly when restoring from state.

Android 3.6.18

September 29, 2022

This release renames "Bookmarks" to "Favorites", introduces a new "Favorites" screen, and adds the ability to favorite organizations.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.18.)


  • Add support for favoriting organizations.
  • Implement a new "Favorites" screen.


  • Rename "Bookmarks" to "Favorites".
  • Add a "Favorite Updates" section to notification settings.

Android 3.6.17

September 22, 2022

This release includes incremental improvements to improve the app's usability and stability.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.17.)


  • Add a "Read More" expander to long descriptions throughout the app.
  • Make completed challenge task cards tappable to make it possible to get back to the underlying location screen quickly.
  • Redesign the challenge card and add a challenges section to the organization screen.


  • The "Cancel" button at the bottom of the directions bottom sheet does not work.
  • Some posts show up with incorrect content.

iOS 2.14.17

September 22, 2022

This release includes internal improvements that lay the groundwork for a number of new features. As usual, a number of bug fixes and minor improvements are also included.


  • Significant rewrite of the challenge screen.
  • Improve community sorting in the Community Library and View All Communities screens.
  • Events now paginate properly using the event start date.


  • Explore quick filters incorrectly "bump" over on initial load of the Explore tab.
  • Explore list view cells do not properly render because of cell reuse.

iOS 2.14.16

September 7, 2022

This release addresses an issue selecting points of interest that are part of a challenge in the check-in screen.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.16.)

iOS 2.14.15

September 7, 2022

This release provides fixes for validation issues in the create a post screen.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.15.)

Android 3.6.16

September 6, 2022

This releases includes support for displaying posts from child trail and points of interest in the area social tab as well as support for routing to "destinations" within an area, which is especially useful for large areas that may have multiple entrances and/or destinations. As usual, it also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.16.)


  • Display posts from child trails and points of interest in the area social tab.
  • If one or more "destination" is available for an area, ask which one should be used for routing.


  • Show a lock icon to delineate private posts.


  • Tapping on the parent area name in the location detail screen toolbar doesn't work.
  • Address a few issues with challenge check-ins.

iOS 2.14.14

September 6, 2022

This release updates the appearance of the tabs in the location (area, trail, point of interest, and outing), organization, and challenge screens. It also adds new elements to the organization screen indicating whether or not the organization is verified and a button to claim the organization if is unverified.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.14.)


  • Add support for one or more "destinations" within an area to improve routing — especially for larger areas.
  • Highlight verified/unverified organizations on the organization screen and add a "Claim" button for organizations that are unverified.


  • Redesign tabs throughout the app to improve their usability.
  • Merged "Sponsored" and "OuterSpatial" communities into a single carousel on the Community Library screen.


  • Maps sometimes incorrectly restore to your location rather than the previous location.
  • Explore list view scroll position incorrectly resets to the top on app restoration.
  • Events under the "Experiences" tab sort incorrectly.

iOS 2.14.13

September 1, 2022

This release introduces an improvement to location validation for challenge check-ins and a new layout for titles, subtitles, and the back navigation on organization and location (area, trail, point of interest, and outing) screens. This release also includes bug fixes and some minor improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.13.)


  • You can now override location validation for challenge check-ins.
  • Redesign the title, subtitle, and back navigation for organization and location screens.


  • Improved community mask loading.
  • Improve the loading for organization and location screens.


  • Outing parent area name missing from location cards.
  • Tapping the locate button on a map should never zoom the map out.

Android 3.6.15

August 25, 2022

This release includes improvements to challenges and "Favorites". It also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.15.)


  • Add an option that allows you to check-in to challenge locations that require location validation even if your phone doesn't think you're close to the location. These challenge submissions are "flagged" and may be reviewed by organization staff.


  • Make the settings icon available in the Me tab even when you're not logged in.
  • Add parent area(s) to the outing detail map.
  • Rename "Bookmarks" to "Favorites" throughout the app and implement a new icon for "Favoriting".

iOS 2.14.12

August 17, 2022

This release introduces a comprehensive update of the mapping technology used throughout the app. This improvement should result in a smoother, more stable, and more responsive map experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.12.)


  • Updated mapping technology.


  • Show parent and sibling locations, as well as all trails, in the outing detail maps.


  • Explore map resets incorrectly when application restores from state.

Android 3.6.14

August 11, 2022

This release addresses a bug that was causing challenge check-in location validation to fail in certain situations.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.14.)

iOS 2.14.11

August 8, 2022

This release includes a few bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.11.)

Android 3.6.13

August 8, 2022

This release includes a few bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.13.)

Android 3.6.12

July 29, 2022

This release includes enhancements to improve your OuterSpatial experience, including the addition of child outings to the area detail map, the ability to become an OuterSpatial beta tester in the application settings, and information on why you're being asked to log in when performing an action that requires you to be logged in. As always, this release also includes a number of bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.12.)


  • Show parent area information for outings throughout the app.
  • Show child outings on the area detail map.
  • Display information on why log in is required when performing an action that requires you to be logged in.
  • Add a beta testing section to the application settings.


  • Some posts showing up incorrectly in the main social tab.

iOS 2.14.10

July 28, 2022

This releases introduces incremental improvements — including support for displaying posts from child trail and points of interest in the area social tab, improved responsiveness of search results, and several bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.10.)


  • Display posts from child trail and points of interest in the area social tab.


  • Improve the responsiveness of search results.


  • Fix map restoration when the app restores from the background.
  • Fix the loading indicator for overview maps.
  • Fix the modal display for trails, points of interest, and outings that have multiple parent areas.

iOS 2.14.9

July 15, 2022

This release introduces a "Favorite Updates" section to Notification Settings so you can stay on top of updates about your favorited organizations, areas, trails, points of interest, and outings. It also includes some design tidying and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.9.)


  • Add a "Favorite Updates" section to Notification Settings.


  • For community cards, move the sponsorship ribbon off of the logo and into the label.
  • Increase the width of location, event, and challenge cards and bump up text sizes to improve legibility.


  • The loading activity indicator over preview maps does not always animate.
  • An unpublished area appears incorrectly in some maps.
  • Fix the settings blur appearance while the app is in dark mode.
  • Selecting unnamed locations does not work in the area detail map.

iOS 2.14.8

July 8, 2022

This release renames "Bookmarks" to "Favorites", which lays the groundwork for subscribing to notifications for your favorited organizations, areas, trails, points of interest, and outings (coming soon!). Also included: a reworked "Favorites" screen in the Me tab, the ability to join (and leave) OuterSpatial's beta testing program in the application settings, and area maps now show outings that run through them.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 1.10.8.)


  • Rename "Bookmarks" to "Favorites".
  • Add a beta testing section to the application settings.


  • Redesign the Favorites screen in the Me tab.
  • Add parent area name to outing cards.
  • Add child outings to the area map.


  • Some taps in location detail maps do not register properly.
  • Offline community loading not working when in airplane mode.
  • Some articles appear incorrectly in the Experiences tab.

Android 3.6.11

July 7, 2022

This release includes a redesigned Me tab and adds a "Notification Settings" section to the Settings screen.

(These release notes also apply to Trails LA County 2.6.11.)


  • Add a "Notification Settings" section to the Settings screen.


  • Redesign the Me tab.
  • Show "Success" messages when a post or challenge response is submitted.

iOS 2.14.7

June 22, 2022

This release introduces a new design for challenge cards.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.7, Trails LA County 1.10.7, and TrailsMV 1.13.7.)

iOS 2.14.6

June 20, 2022

This release introduces a new card design for events and support for displaying multiple parent areas on a location. We've also made completed challenge tasks tappable so you can easily get back to a location's details after completing a challenge task. This release also includes significant improvements to initial community load times.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.6, Trails LA County 1.10.6, and TrailsMV 1.13.6.)


  • New event card design.
  • Support displaying multiple parent areas on location screens.
  • Tappable completed challenge task cards.
  • New default filter for community home challenge screen.


  • Improved load time for community home screen.
  • Improved load time for organization screen.


  • Ensure duplicate social posts are not created.
  • Search terms with numeric characters not returning results as expected.
  • Subtitle on organization posts show incorrect text.

Android 3.6.10

June 14, 2022

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.10, Trails LA County 2.6.10, and TrailsMV 2.5.10.)


  • Require location validation for standalone check-ins.
  • Locations do not appear correctly at times when trying to check-in.
  • Resolve a user interface-related issue on the challenge task screen.

Android 3.6.9

June 9, 2022

This release adds support for a closed banner for outings and includes other bug fixes and improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.9, Trails LA County 2.6.9, and TrailsMV 2.5.9.)


  • Outings will now shop up with a closed banner if they're closed.


  • Explore map does not "clear" properly when quick filters are applied that return no results.
  • Posts associated with challenge check-ins should show the name of the challenge in the banner.
  • Do not show unnamed features in location search when creating a post.
  • The "Sponsored" and "OuterSpatial" community carousels in the Community Library sometimes do not sort properly.

iOS 2.14.5

June 6, 2022

This release introduces a new card design for areas, trails, points of interest, and outings so you can see more information about a location at a glance. Search results have also been expanded to include articles, events, and challenges. And, as always, this release also includes smaller improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.5, Trails LA County 1.10.5, and TrailsMV 1.13.5.)


  • Implemented a new design for location cards.


  • Articles, events, and challenges are now available in search results.
  • Added the ability to sort challenges by "Upcoming".
  • Added challenges to the organization screen.
  • Display success messages when a challenge response is submitted and when a post is created.

Android 3.6.8

May 27, 2022

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.8, Trails LA County 2.6.8, and TrailsMV 2.5.8.)


  • If you initiate a check-in from a location screen that's part of a challenge you're participating in, the challenge will now get automatically selected for you.


  • Ensure the Organizations tab on the Community home screen sorts by distance if you've granted location access to the app.
  • Clean up the search icon in the Explore tab.
  • Default to sorting the Community Library by distance if you've granted location access to the app.
  • Fix an issue that prevented your posts from loading in the Me tab.
  • Long text in the cost event label should not overrun the label title.

Android 3.6.7

May 19, 2022

This release includes a new review dialog and a prompt that asks you to update the app when you're running an old version of it. It also includes some bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.7, Trails LA County 2.6.7, and TrailsMV 2.5.7.)

iOS 2.14.4

May 19, 2022

This release implements push notifications for application onboarding, social engagement, and product updates, adds a new "Notification Settings" screen so you can toggle on/off email and push notifications for different categories, and adds and a "Post to Instagram" tool so you can cross-post an OuterSpatial post to Instagram. It also includes improvements to area, trail, point of interest, and outing screens and the challenges tab on the community home screen.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.4, Trails LA County 1.10.4, and TrailsMV 1.13.4.)


  • Implement push notifications.
  • Added the "Notification Settings" screen.
  • Added the "Post to Instagram" tool.


  • Updated the empty state copy for the Me > Challenges section.
  • Improved loading on area, trail, point of interest, and outing screens.
  • Made improvements to the challenges tab on the community home screen.

Android 3.6.6

May 11, 2022

This release includes challenge improvements and bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.6, Trails LA County 2.6.6, and TrailsMV 2.5.6.)


  • Add support for sorting check-in challenge tasks both alphabetically and by proximity to your current location.
  • If a challenge has notifications available, surface this information in the challenge details screen.


  • Addressed an issue that caused a crash when the app received a push notification.

iOS 2.14.3

May 8, 2022

This release addresses a bug related to fetching challenges for the community home screen.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.3, Trails LA County 1.10.3, and TrailsMV 1.13.3.)

iOS 2.14.2

May 6, 2022

This release adds challenge filtering and sorting to the community home screen. It also contains several bug fixes and performance improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.2, Trails LA County 1.10.2, and TrailsMV 1.13.2.)


  • Add challenge filtering and sorting to the community home screen.


  • Implement internal improvements to the challenges data model to improve stability.


  • The back button does not respond properly to taps on some screens.
  • Some documents attached to locations do not open properly.

Android 3.6.6May 4, 2022This release includes enhancements and bug fixes.(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.6, Trails LA County 2.6.6, and TrailsMV 2.5.6.)


  • Display a notifications section in the challenge detail screen if notifications are available for a challenge.
  • Add support for sorting challenge tasks either alphabetically or based on proximity to your current location.

Android 3.6.5

April 28, 2022

This release adds the "Add to Challenge" option to the check-in screen when initiated from the main share button.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.5, Trails LA County 2.6.5, and TrailsMV 2.5.5.)

iOS 2.14.1

April 28, 2022

This release introduces improvements to search, including full-text search and sorting by match strength, result type, and proximity to your location. Additionally, the Explore search now includes organizations.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.1, Trails LA County 1.10.1, and TrailsMV 1.13.1.)


  • Implement full-text search throughout the app.
  • Add organizations to Explore search results.
  • Sort search results by match strength, result type, and proximity.


  • Display hosting organization in the challenge detail screen.
  • Display a notifications section in the challenge detail screen if notifications are available for a challenge.


  • Resolve an issue that was causing the challenge screen to not refresh properly after challenge enrollment.

Android 3.6.4

April 26, 2022

This release adds the ability to download a GPX file for an outing and surfaces organization information on the challenge detail screen. It also includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.4, Trails LA County 2.6.4, and TrailsMV 2.5.4.)


  • Add the ability to download a GPX file for an outing.


  • Display organization information on the challenge detail screen.


  • Deep links do not work in some cases.
  • Backgrounding the app then restoring it from the app icon does not restore the app properly.

iOS 2.14.0

April 22, 2022

This release adds closed cartography for areas, trails, and points of interest to all maps so you can now quickly identify what's closed and what's not. It also includes fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.11.0, Trails LA County 1.10.0, and TrailsMV 1.13.0.)


  • Added closed cartography to all maps.


  • Ensure all screens can be navigated backwards by swiping left.
  • Cleanup some issues related to location proximity validation.

Android 3.6.3

April 19, 2022

This release includes fixes related to completing check-in challenge tasks. The "Add to Challenge" option is now available on the check-in screen when opened from a challenge task card or a location (area, trail, point of interest, or outing) screen. As usual, we also included some bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.3, Trails LA County 2.6.3, and TrailsMV 2.5.3.)

iOS 2.13.8

April 8, 2022

This release includes a bug fix for displaying event titles.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.8, Trails LA County 1.9.8, and TrailsMV 1.12.8.)

Android 3.6.2

April 6, 2022

This release fixes an issue with the "View Location" button in the challenge task detail screen.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.2, Trails LA County 2.6.2, and TrailsMV 2.5.2.)

Android 3.6.1

April 4, 2022

This release includes a fix for an issue that prevented location select from working for check-in posts initiated from the main share button.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.1, Trails LA County 2.6.1, and TrailsMV 2.5.1.)

iOS 2.13.7

April 2, 2022

This release includes several bug fixes and improvements to your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.7, Trails LA County 1.9.7, and TrailsMV 1.12.7.)


  • Pre-populate challenge for check-ins if visitor is participating in the challenge.
  • Tapping on challenge cards navigates directly to the challenge screen.
  • Rearchitected the explore tab.
  • Rearchitected the event screen.
  • Rearchitected the document screen.


  • Area boundaries do not display above paper maps.
  • Paper map screen does not dismiss correctly after tapping the close button.

iOS 2.13.6

March 26, 2022

This release includes redesigns for the Me tab, settings screen, and paper map screen. It also includes several bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.6, Trails LA County 1.9.6, and TrailsMV 1.12.6.)


  • Redesign the Me tab.
  • Redesign the Settings screen.
  • Redesign the Paper Map screen, including redesigned buttons.


  • Update to a new community database version.
  • Ensure the community loading screen times out properly.


  • Explore list view location sort should not reset when quick filters are reset.
  • Background of the selected Explore quick filter button does not highlight properly.
  • Explore map bounds does not set/reset correctly when the community is changed.

Android 3.6.0

March 25, 2022

This release introduces improved database loading — resulting in faster community downloads and improved performance for autocomplete search, map filters, and location distance calculation.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.0, Trails LA County 2.6.0, and TrailsMV 2.5.0.)


  • Improved community database loading.

Android 3.5.11

March 12, 2022

This release includes several bug fixes to improve the stability of OuterSpatial.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.11, Trails LA County 2.5.11, and TrailsMV 2.4.11.)

Android 3.5.10

March 7, 2022

This release includes a fix for event dates displaying incorrectly and some stability improvements.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.10, Trails LA County 2.5.10 and TrailsMV 2.4.10.)

Android 3.5.9

March 2, 2022

This release includes an "interim" challenge task screen with buttons that allow you to complete a challenge task or open the detail screen for the location that's attached to the task. It also includes some bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.9, Trails LA County 2.5.9 and TrailsMV 2.4.9.)


  • Introduce an "interim" challenge task screen.


  • Ensure visitors creating new posts via challenge check-ins specify their first and last name before creating the post.

iOS 2.13.5

March 2, 2022

This release introduces a "View Location" button to the challenge task detail screen.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.5, Trails LA County 1.9.5, and TrailsMV 1.12.5.)

iOS 2.13.4

February 26, 2022

This release introduces tappable location (area, trails, and point of interest) and organization maps.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.4, Trails LA County 1.9.4, and TrailsMV 1.12.4.)


  • Make location and organization maps tappable.


  • Handle challenges with empty start and end dates.
  • Ensure that the community home screen loads correctly before opening the community.

Android 3.5.8

February 22, 2022

This release includes fixes for a few crashing bugs.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.8, Trails LA County 2.5.8 and TrailsMV 2.4.8.)

iOS 2.13.3

February 12, 2022


  • Only show "parent" and "sibling" locations on trail and point of interest detail maps.


  • Resolve an issue that prevented challenge participation if permission to send notifications was declined.

iOS 2.13.2

February 11, 2022

This release introduces GPX downloads for outings and other minor bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.2, Trails LA County 1.9.2, and TrailsMV 1.12.2.)


  • Outing information screens now supports GPX downloads.


  • Include unnamed locations in the Explore map.
  • Area maps should only display child locations.

Android 3.5.7

February 9, 2022

This release includes fixes for a few crashing bugs.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.7, Trails LA County 2.5.7 and TrailsMV 2.4.7.)

iOS 2.13.1

February 8, 2022

This release addresses a filtering issue that appeared in the Explore tab in the last release. It also includes several other minor bug fixes.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.1, Trails LA County 1.9.1, and TrailsMV 1.12.1.)


  • Only show published locations in the Explore map.
  • Search autocomplete does not process the update in background thread.
  • Image gallery does not correctly update image number for incomplete scroll.
  • Feature distance cache does not correctly reset for location tracking turned on and off.
  • Organization refresh does not complete successfully.

iOS 2.13.0

February 4, 2022

This release introduces improved database loading — resulting in faster community downloads and improved performance for autocomplete search, map filters, and location distance calculation.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.10.0, Trails LA County 1.9.0, and TrailsMV 1.12.0.)


  • Improved community database loading.


  • Updated the application setup procedure.
  • Improved offline community detection
  • Improved Explore filtering.
  • Improved autocomplete for search.
  • Improved location distance calculation.


  • Resolved an issue that caused the unread post badge not to show up properly.

Android 3.5.6

February 2, 2022

This release fixes a bug causing some crashes when viewing Challenges.

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.6, Trails LA County 2.5.6 and TrailsMV 2.4.6.)

Android 3.5.5

January 24, 2022

This release includes a fix for a crashing issue in the new challenge preview bottom sheet.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.5, Trails LA County 2.5.5, and TrailsMV 2.4.5.)

Android 3.5.4

January 20, 2022

This includes work on challenge-related screens, state restoration throughout the app, and the addition of "difficulty" and "route type" information on the outing screen. As always, it also includes bug fixes and enhancements to ensure your experience with OuterSpatial is as good as it can be.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.4, Trails LA County 2.5.4, and TrailsMV 2.4.4.)


  • Implement a new challenge preview screen that displays when tapping on a challenge card on the community home screen.
  • Add support for organization stewardships on the outing screen.
  • Add "difficulty" and "route type" information to the outing screen.


  • Implement a new design for challenge cards on the community home screen.
  • Display "child" trails and points of interest on area detail maps.
  • Support a challenge configuration that specifies if a challenge task can be completed more than once.
  • Improve state restoration throughout the app.
  • Implement a new, consistent, and truncated date/time format for challenges.


  • Locations marked as "Archived" in OuterSpatial Manager still show up on maps throughout the app.
  • Fix margins for the community home screen challenges section.
  • The "Leave Challenge" option is not available in some cases.
  • A "Participation Failed" popup message incorrectly displays after joining a challenge.

iOS 2.12.6

January 14, 2022

This release introduces user interface enhancements for the location information screen and some minor bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.9.4, Trails LA County 1.8.4, and TrailsMV 1.11.4.)


  • Added a "Read More" tool for descriptions on the location screen
  • Implemented a condensed carousel for elevation stats on the trail and outing screens


  • Support selecting a challenge when a check-in is created from a location screen that's part of a challenge
  • If configured, support checking-in to the same location multiple times for a challenge
  • Clean up display of date/times for both challenges and events
  • If an outing is closed, display the closed banner for it throughout the app


  • Ensure elevation data doesn't appear for trails and outings that have "bad" elevation data
  • Maps throughout the app improperly show "Archived" locations
  • The Explore map does not always reset properly when switching communities
  • The share floating action button does not animate back correctly when dismissing the create a post screen
  • Address minor issues with state restoration throughout the app

iOS 2.12.5

December 30, 2021

This release includes a fix for an issue that prevented location overview maps from loading in some cases.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.9.3, Trails LA County 1.8.3, and TrailsMV 1.11.3.)


  • Location overview maps do not load property.

Android 3.5.3

December 30, 2021

This release includes improvements to challenges and location check-ins.

If you’re enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we’re standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.3, Trails LA County 2.5.3, and TrailsMV 2.4.3.)


  • Posts related to challenge tasks are now linked properly.
  • Make the "Confirm" tappable area larger on the check-in screen.

iOS 2.12.4

December 29, 2021

This release adds a new task detail screen for challenges and adds trail difficulty and route types information to outings.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.9.2, Trails LA County 1.8.2, and TrailsMV 1.11.2.)


  • Implemented a detail screen for challenge tasks.
  • Trail difficulty and route type added to the outing screen.


  • Deep link navigation update for challenges.
  • Support email link type in web views throughout the app.

iOS 2.12.3

December 29, 2021

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.9.1, Trails LA County 1.8.1, and TrailsMV 1.11.1.)


  • Challenge tasks are now sortable by distance and alphabetical.


  • Support Bulletin Board items for organizations and challenges.
  • Add total ascent and total descent for trail and outing elevation profiles.
  • Display challenges associated with areas, points of interest, and trails.


  • Fix validation errors for a few post-related queries.

Android 3.5.2

December 27, 2021

This release adds support for Bulletin Board items linked to organizations and challenges.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.2, Trails LA County 2.5.2, and TrailsMV 2.4.2.)


  • Support bulletin board items linked to organizations and challenges.

Android 3.5.1

December 21, 2021

This release includes improvements and bug fixes for challenges.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.1, Trails LA County 2.5.1, and TrailsMV 2.4.1.)


  • Redesign the challenge screen.
  • Display "Upcoming" and "Expired" labels for challenges.
  • Lock challenge participations and tasks, when considered "Upcoming" or "Expired".
  • Surface related challenges on location screens.
  • Implement a new design for the challenge "Terms & Conditions" screen.
  • Implement a new "Challenge Details" screen.

iOS 2.12.2

December 21, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Fix feature loading issue introduced in the previous release.

iOS 2.12.1

December 19, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and user experience improvements for the challenges feature.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Do not allow participation if a challenge hasn't started or has finished.
  • Do not allow responses to challenge tasks if a challenge hasn't started or has finished.
  • Display "Upcoming" and "Expired" status for challenges.
  • Surface information about email sharing with the hosting organization if a challenge requires it.
  • Surface related challenges, if available, on area, point of interest, and trail screens.


  • Clean up start and end date formatting for challenges.
  • Address validation errors in post data sources.
  • Update the current user information from the server when the Me tab is pulled to refresh.
  • Fix issues related to resetting the Explore tab when switching communities.

Android 3.5.0

December 15, 2021

This release introduces passwordless user authentication, providing a more reliable experience and paving the way for greater visitor engagement. It also includes improvements to challenges.


  • Passwordless user authentication.


  • Do not allow participation in challenges that are Upcoming of Expired.


  • Update donate like for the TrailsMV branded app.

iOS 2.12.0

December 10, 2021

This release introduces passwordless user authentication, providing a more reliable experience and paving the way for greater visitor engagement.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.9.0, Trails LA County 1.8.0, and TrailsMV 1.11.0)


  • Passwordless user authentication.
  • Support for push notifications.


  • Update several internal dependencies.
  • Add support for state restoration while editing a post.


  • Implement smoother loading transitions for the home screen.

iOS 2.11.16

November 20, 2021

This release adds a "Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" option to the main share button in the Hawai'i community. It also focuses on improving stability and addressing some bugs we hope you never encountered!

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.15, Trails LA County 1.7.15, and TrailsMV 1.10.15.)


  • Add a "Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" option to the main share button in the Hawai'i community.


  • App state sometimes restores improperly after the app is force closed.
  • Pulling down to refresh the Explore list view resets quick filters.
  • Updated profile image does not show up immediately.
  • Crashing issue in article screen.
  • Crashing issue in community gallery screen.

Android 3.4.15

November 19, 2021

This release adds a "Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" option to the main share button in the Hawai'i community. It also includes internal bug fixes and improvements.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Add a "Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" option to the main share button in the Hawai'i community.

Android 3.4.14

November 12, 2021

This version lays the groundwork for future notification capabilities, sorts communities more effectively based on the user's location, and addresses several bugs.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Sort communities in the community gallery carousels based on proximity to the user's location.
  • Implement some internal foundation to support improved notifications.


  • Addressed a number of edge case bugs.

Android 3.4.13

November 5, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and a few minor usability issues.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.11, Trails LA County 2.4.11, and TrailsMV 2.3.10.)


  • Rework tabs on home screen to increase tappable area.


  • Fix an issue that caused the quick filter shortcuts to not update properly when switching communities.
  • Month and day for event cards are not adjusted properly for user's timezone.
  • Address an edge crashing issue related to creating posts.

iOS 2.11.15

November 4, 2021

This release includes fixes for bugs related to the application setup.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.14, Trails LA County 2.4.14, and TrailsMV 2.3.14.)

Android 3.4.12

November 3, 2021

This release includes an improvement to the community gallery to sort communities based on your current location. It also includes a bug fix for outings in the Daycation app and fixes for a few crashing issues related to the geofencing released in 3.4.11.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.10, Trails LA County 2.4.10, and TrailsMV 2.3.9.)


  • Sort communities in the community gallery based on proximity to the device's current location.


  • Tapping on outing stop points in the Daycation caused other stops to disappear on the map.
  • Addressed a crashing issue that occasionally occurred when creating a post.
  • Addressed a crashing issue that occasionally occurred when responding to challenge tasks.

iOS 2.11.14

October 29, 2021

This release includes significant improvements to state restoration throughout the app, as well as some bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.13, Trails LA County 2.4.13, and TrailsMV 2.3.13.)


  • Improved state restoration throughout the app.
  • Outings now support accessibility descriptions.


  • Fix a crashing issue caused by state restoration of maps throughout the app.
  • Completion date/time on State of Hawai'i Hunter Check-in challenge task cards is truncated improperly.

Android 3.4.11

October 29, 2021

This release includes support for geofence notifications for challenge questionnaire tasks. It also includes a few minor enhancements and bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.9, Trails LA County 2.4.9, and TrailsMV 2.3.8.)


  • Support for geofence notifications for challenge questionnaire tasks.


  • Outings now support accessibility descriptions.


  • Fixed an issue where the community Explore map would not "reset" properly when switching communities.

iOS 2.11.13

October 15, 2021

This release includes bug fixes related primarily to the geofence notifications introduced in the last release.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.12, Trails LA County 2.4.12, and TrailsMV 2.3.12.)


  • Geofence notifications not firing properly in some cases.
  • Address a number of edge case bugs with deep linking.
  • Pull down to refresh not working in the organization screen.

iOS 2.11.12

October 7, 2021

This release adds support for geofenced notifications to challenge questionnaire tasks. These notifications will prompt you to respond to a series of questions when you enter a particular area if you are participating in a challenge that utilizes geofenced notifications. This functionality was built to support the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area in California.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Support geofenced notifications for challenge questionnaire tasks.

Android 3.4.10

October 1, 2021

This release introduces support for three new questionnaire challenge task question types.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:


  • Update locations to include the new visibility property.
  • Support "number-section", "multi-select", and "rank" question types in questionnaire challenge tasks.

iOS 2.11.11

September 29, 2021

This release introduces support for three new questionnaire challenge task question types, as well as improvements to the app loading screen and state restoration experience. This release also includes several updates in support of iOS 15 and a number of bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.11, Trails LA County 2.4.11, and TrailsMV 2.3.11.)


  • Update locations to include the new visibility property.
  • Create a new loading screen for state restoration.
  • Support "number-section", "multi-select", and "rank" question types in questionnaire challenge tasks.


  • Trim the community model to increase loading performance of the home screen.
  • Update the creation of user notifications to support interruption levels (iOS 15).


  • Validate the application has encoded on last background before restoring from state.
  • Fix loading screen 'tap to cancel' so it's only visible while fetching community features.
  • Fix the loading screen message animations and dismissal.
  • Fix to ensure organization posts display the name of the attached location correctly.
  • Fix tab bar appearance issues in iOS 15.

Android 3.4.9

September 21, 2021

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.8 and Trails LA County 2.4.8.)


  • Fixed an issue that caused challenge participations to fail for some users.

iOS 2.11.10

September 16, 2021

This release adds the ability to create posts while offline. Posts created while offline need to be "synced" once a network connection is available. As usual, this release also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.10, Trails LA County 2.4.10, and TrailsMV 2.3.10.)


  • Support creation of posts while offline.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the loading screen to display after following a deep link and installing the app for the first time.
  • Troubleshoot app state restoration to ensure it doesn't run after hard closing the app.
  • Activity indicator displays in Explore list even after loading is finished when restoring from state.
  • Posts attached to completed challenge tasks should show the name of the challenge in the top banner.
  • Data used by the TrailsMV home screen does not refresh properly.

Android 3.4.8

September 10, 2021

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.7, Trails LA County 2.4.7, and TrailsMV 2.3.7.)


  • Pressing the device's back button should take you back to the home tab rather than exiting the app.
  • Update the on-device database to improve performance and reliability.


  • Tapping multiple times to create a post sometimes creates duplicate posts.

iOS 2.11.9

September 9, 2021

This minor release fixes a bug that prevented some users from logging in successfully.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.9, Trails LA County 1.7.9, and TrailsMV 1.10.9)


  • Email should not be case-sensitive when logging in.

iOS 2.11.8

September 1, 2021

This release introduces support for offline challenge check-ins, which allows you to create check-in posts when network access is unavailable and sync them from the challenge screen.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.8, Trails LA County 1.7.8, and TrailsMV 1.10.8)


  • Insert and sync offline challenge check-in posts.


  • Update deep linking framework to ensure deep links work well for iOS 15.
  • Add logging information for map search results to help us improve the functionality.
  • Improve map directions handling with logging to help us improve the functionality.
  • Improve the visibility of floating action buttons in dark mode.


  • Captions in the image gallery should show more than one line.
  • Fix offline banner appearance for the social tab.
  • Fix feature address parsing for feature information page.

Android 3.4.7

August 31, 2021

This release includes improved state restoration throughout the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.6, Trails LA County 2.4.6, and TrailsMV 2.3.6.)


  • Improved state restoration.
  • Rebuild the Explore screen to improve performance and usability.

Android 3.4.6

August 20, 2021

This release introduces a few new account management tools to the edit profile screen: "Reset Password" and "Update Email Address". Challenges also now display on related location screens.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.5, Trails LA County 2.4.5, and TrailsMV 2.3.5.)


  • Add "Reset Password" option to the edit profile screen.
  • Add "Update Email Address" option to the edit profile screen.
  • Surface challenges on related location screens.

iOS 2.11.7

August 19, 2021

This release fixes a crashing issue related to application setup procedures.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.7, Trails LA County 1.7.7, and TrailsMV 1.10.7.)


  • Fix Explore map crashing on state restoration load.
  • Fix loading screen hanging after Community refresh canceled.
  • Fix location information screen crashing on state restoration of images.

Android 3.4.5

August 17, 2021

This release includes support for check-in tasks for challenges, which paves the way for new and exciting challenges from our organization partners! Keep your eye on the "Challenges" tab on your community home screen. As usual, this release also includes a number of bug fixes and internal enhancements to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.4, Trails LA County 2.4.4, and TrailsMV 2.3.4.)


  • Support for check-in challenge tasks.


  • The settings button is not available in the "Me" tab when logged out.
  • Challenge participations do not load properly on home screen the first time it's loaded.

iOS 2.11.6

August 15, 2021

This release includes improvements to the community loading process and a few minor enhancements and bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.6, Trails LA County 1.7.6, and TrailsMV 1.10.6.)


  • Added a button to the organization map that can be used to "reposition" paper maps above or below other OuterSpatial layers like area boundaries, points of interest, outings, and trails.


  • Handle application and community setup issues more gracefully.
  • Improve the behavior of the app when switching to a community that has not yet been loaded and no network is available.
  • Refactor the location information screen to improve improve performance.
  • Give visitors a way to cancel out of community loading. This is intended to help when a community is loading in bad or no network situations.


  • The "Sort By" floating button in the Explore list view sometimes doesn't reappear after scrolling.
  • Comments from OuterSpatial's organization partners should show up as coming from the organization.
  • Long challenge titles aren't properly truncated in the challenge onboarding screen.

iOS 2.11.5

August 4, 2021

This release includes some polish to help ensure your OuterSpatial experience is great.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.5, Trails LA County 1.7.5, and TrailsMV 1.10.5.)


  • Give visitors the ability to update the email address associated with their OuterSpatial account.
  • Show the community badge in the loading screen when opening a community.


  • Show an activity indicator the first time the Explore map is shown.
  • Add some diagnostics to troubleshoot visitor-reported OAuth token issues.


  • The challenge screen should not "flash" when loading.
  • Update the date/time label on cards in the "Challenges" tab on the home screen to use the same format as other date/time labels throughout the app.

Android 3.4.4

August 4, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.3, Trails LA County 2.4.3, and TrailsMV 2.3.3.)

Android 3.4.3

July 30, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and further integration of our new support tool throughout the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.2, Trails LA County 2.4.2, and TrailsMV 2.3.2.)


  • Migrate all email support links to use our new support tool.
  • Capture more diagnostic information for challenge enrollments.
  • Lay the groundwork for post-related notifications.

iOS 2.11.4

July 28, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and the introduction of a new support tool — providing help documentation and support throughout the application.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.4, Trails LA County 1.7.4, and TrailsMV 1.10.4.)


  • Support optional location validation for check-in challenges.
  • Implement a new support tool to provide help documentation and support throughout the application.


  • Fix a crashing issue related to formatting of elevation data for a trail.
  • Improve analytics reporting for social post like and comments.
  • Ensure that user's like and comment actions on posts are not interrupted when a log in is required.
  • Fix Challenge screen UI for devices running older operating systems.
  • Fix scrolling issue in Me screen when loading from state restoration.

Android 3.4.2

July 27, 2021

This release includes location validation for check-ins, support for start and end dates for challenges, the ability to initiate account deletion, and improved support tools.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.2, Trails LA County 2.4.2, and TrailsMV 2.3.2.)


  • Hook up start and end dates for challenges.
  • Add a "Delete Account" option to the edit profile screen.
  • Support location validation for check-ins.
  • Implement improved support tooling throughout the app.

Android 3.4.1

July 16, 2021

This release adds the ability to check-in to a location. It also adds "Posts" and "Check-ins" sections to the Me tab and includes other minor enhancements and bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.1, Trails LA County 2.4.1, and TrailsMV 2.3.1.)


  • Add support for checking-in to a location.
  • Add "infinite scroll" to the Social tab to improve performance.


  • Redesigned the Me tab.

iOS 2.11.3

July 15, 2021

This release includes bug fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.3, Trails LA County 1.7.3, and TrailsMV 1.10.3.)


  1. Add explanatory text to the account screen when it's shown based on a visitor's action (like bookmarking, liking, etc.).
  2. Redesign the account screen to bring consistency with other modal screens in the app.


  1. Visitor should not have to tap the bookmark button a second time after being prompted to log in when trying to bookmark a location.
  2. The "Official Post" text color in the post cell is the wrong color when the app is in light mode.
  3. Ensure it's not possible to create duplicate posts by tapping "Confirm" quickly multiple times.
  4. Shore up some edge case issues with the Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study 2021 challenge when participating while offline.
  5. Fix an issue that was causing Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study 2021 notifications to send even after the challenge was completed.
  6. Fix an issue with branded apps that was causing challenge notifications from other communities to display.

iOS 2.11.2

July 8, 2021

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.2, Trails LA County 1.7.2, and TrailsMV 1.10.2.)


  1. Add a "Delete Account" option to the Edit Profile screen.


  1. Clean up the formatting for "log a harvest" records in the "State of Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" challenge.
  2. Move the "Settings" icon into a button on the "Me" tab to make it more legible.


  1. Modify email sends throughout the app to ensure they work for visitors that have uninstalled the default "Mail" app.
  2. Modify app loading so a community loads properly when the device is in airplane mode.
  3. The "Close" button in the document and paper map screens should be of fixed width.
  4. Fix a crashing bug that occasionally occurs the first time a community is loaded.
  5. Update support text that's appended to email sends to include basic information about the current device model.
  6. Fix an issue that was preventing some users from onboarding into challenges.
  7. If available, the accessibility description for a location should always display first under the "Additional Information" section.
  8. Items in the "Related Locations" collection view should sort alphabetically.
  9. The visitor's participation status for a challenge does not refresh properly when pulling down to refresh the challenge screen.
  10. Visitors should not have to tap "Participate" twice if not logged in when they click the "Participate" button on the challenge screen.
  11. Posts created by organizations in Manager are no longer showing images.

Android 3.4.0

July 7, 2021

This release adds the "Contribute" button to the main tab bar and includes a redesigned create a post experience that lays the groundwork for future improvements. It also includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.0, Trails LA County 2.4.0, and TrailsMV 2.3.0.)


  1. Redesigned the create a post screen.


  1. Clean up the formatting for "log a harvest" records in the "State of Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" challenge.
  2. Private challenges the visitor is participating in now show up on the home screen "Challenges" tab.
  3. Add support for new "Draft" and "Archived" states for articles.


  1. Images attached to a location but not explicitly set to appear in OuterSpatial Mobile sometimes incorrectly appear.
  2. Visitors should not have to tap "Participate" twice if not logged in when they click the "Participate" button on the challenge screen.

iOS 2.11.1

July 1, 2021

This release includes support for check-in challenge tasks, which, in turn, paves the way for challenges that require checking-in to one or more location to complete. Keep an eye on your community's home screen, because these challenges will be rolling out in many communities soon!

As always, this release also includes bug fixes and enhancements to improve your OuterSpatial experience. If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help:

(These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.1, Trails LA County 1.7.1, and TrailsMV 1.10.1.)


  1. Support for challenge check-in tasks.


  1. Bug fixes for the new "Check-in" functionality introduced in the 2.11.0 release.
  2. Share tool for organizations should use "slug" instead of "id" when opening on desktop.
  3. Resolve an issue that caused liking, bookmarking, commenting, etc. to fail for some users.

iOS 2.11.0

June 23, 2021

This release includes new functionality that allows you to "Check-in" to a location as well as improved state restoration throughout the app. Also included in this release: major improvements to the "Add a Photo" and "Add a Post" tools (including interface improvements and the ability to create private posts), bug fixes/improvements for challenges, and internal work to lay the foundation for the broader rollout of challenges (coming soon!).

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.8.0, Trails LA County 1.7.0, and TrailsMV 1.10.0.


  1. Support checking-in to a location.
  2. Implemented state restoration for screens throughout the app.


  1. Implement a new design for the "Add a Photo" and "Add a Post" tools.
  2. Hook up support for challenge start and end dates.
  3. Display icons and text for challenges if location and/or notification access are required by the challenge.
  4. Improve notifications for challenges to support registering/unregistering notifications on log in/log out, respectively.
  5. Update the home screen challenges section to pull in "private" challenges the user is participating in.
  6. Preload the nearest locations in search throughout the app (falls back to sorting alphabetically if you have not given the app access to your location).


  1. Restoring the app from background after following a deep link loads the previously-selected community.
  2. Draft and archived outings display incorrectly on the Explore map.
  3. Deep links not working correctly for some Articles.
  4. Fixed styling for the "Confirm Email" banner in the Me tab when the app's in dark mode.
  5. Viewing Terms & Conditions for a challenge should not try and enroll you in the challenge.

Android 3.3.16

June 18, 2021

Fix a bug in the create account process.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.9, Trails LA County 2.3.9, and TrailsMV 2.2.11.

Android 3.3.15

June 17, 2021

With this release, you can now update your user profile in the Me tab. The release also includes bug fixes and enhancements to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.9, Trails LA County 2.3.9, and TrailsMV 2.2.11.


  1. You can now update your user profile in the Me tab.
  2. Add the share tool to organization screens.


  1. Resolve an issue that was causing challenge notifications to continue after completing a challenge.
  2. Update the share tool for organizations so it uses the organization "slug", not the "id".

Android 3.3.14

June 12, 2021

This release includes a quick fix for a crashing bug that popped up at times when navigating to a location without a parent area.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.8, Trails LA County 2.3.8, and TrailsMV 2.2.10.

Android 3.3.13

June 11, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and enhancements to support rollout of the "Hawai'i Hunting 2021" challenge.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.7, Trails LA County 2.3.7, and TrailsMV 2.2.9.


  1. Added a new hunting unit search and log a harvest functionality to the "Hawai'i Hunting 2021" challenge.


  1. Location information (type and parent area) not showing up properly in location detail screens.
  2. Fixed an issue in the Daycation app that prevented taps on the Explore map info view from working.
  3. Fixed an issue in the Daycation app that prevented images from showing up at times.

iOS 2.10.9

May 22, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and usability improvements to challenges and switching location tracking modes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.6, Trails LA County 1.6.6, and TrailsMV 1.9.6.


  1. Truncate challenge descriptions and add a "Read More" button to make full description accessible.


  1. Outing maps do not always zoom to extent of outing properly.
  2. The state of the Explore tab does not update properly when following a deep link for a location.
  3. "Locate" button on maps does not deactivate when map is manually panned/zoomed.
  4. Make the entire "back" area in screens tappable to improve usability.

Android 3.3.12

May 20, 2021


  1. Fixed a legibility issue with slider question labels in challenge questionnaire forms.

Android 3.3.11

May 18, 2021


  1. Fixed an issue with organization deep links.

Android 3.3.10

May 14, 2021

This release includes various challenge-related bug fixes.

Android 3.3.9

May 13, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and usability improvements for challenges.


  1. Use community boundary "override" if specified in the database.
  2. Lay the groundwork for push notifications for branded apps.
  3. Usability fixes for the Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study 2021 challenge.


  1. Improved the reliability and performance of the community/home screen data loads.
  2. Zoom to bounds button is broken for maps in the TrailsMV app.
  3. The feature type and parent area information in the Explore feature info view are incorrect.

iOS 2.10.8

May 13, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and usability improvements for challenges.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.5, Trails LA County 1.6.5, and TrailsMV 1.9.5.


  1. Implement new functionality for the Hawai'i Hunting 2021 challenge, including improved hunting unit selection and new "log a harvest" functionality.


  1. Refactor the "questions" model for challenge questionnaire tasks.
  2. Freeze the top section with the progress bar, label, and description for challenge questionnaire questions.
  3. Implement a page view controller for challenge questionnaire questions.
  4. Add a "Read More" control to long challenge descriptions.

Android 3.3.8

May 10, 2021

This release includes improvements to challenges and internal fixes to improve the performance and stability of OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.4, Trails LA County 2.3.4, and TrailsMV 2.2.6.


  1. Tweak the design of challenge task cards to improve usability and legibility.
  2. Add support for multiple challenge task notifications sent at the same time.
  3. Improved support for challenge task responses sent while offline across multiple challenges.
  4. "Freeze" the top part of challenge task questionnaire forms.


  1. Display date/time for challenge task cards sometimes display in the wrong timezone.

iOS 2.10.7

May 7, 2021

This release includes improvements to challenges and internal fixes to improve the performance and stability of OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.4, Trails LA County 1.6.4, and TrailsMV 1.9.4.


  1. Improve the layout and usability of the Challenge questionnaire task interface.


  1. Filter out product update posts displayed under the Me tab.
  2. Fix a crash that sometimes occurred when restoring the app from state.
  3. Fix a crash that occurred when an outing without a valid bounding box was loaded.

Android 3.3.7

May 3, 2021

This release includes more polish to improve your experience while using OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.3, Trails LA County 2.3.3, and TrailsMV 2.2.5.


  1. Lay the groundwork for push notifications.


  1. Deprecate access to legacy OuterSpatial API.


  1. Deep links now link to the correct web page on the new OuterSpatial website when followed on a desktop device.
  2. Fixed multiple (rare) crashing bugs.

iOS 2.10.6

May 2, 2021

This release includes more polish to improve your experience while using OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.3, Trails LA County 1.6.3, and TrailsMV 1.9.3.


  1. Lay the groundwork for push notifications.


  1. Change "Outings" -> "Daycations" for the Daycation branded app.


  1. Deep links now link to the correct web page on the new OuterSpatial website when followed on a desktop device.

iOS 2.10.5

April 29, 2021

This release includes polish for a few areas of the app.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.2, Trails LA County 1.6.2, and TrailsMV 1.9.2.


  1. Migrated some API calls off of deprecated endpoints.


  1. Points of Interest in the "Family-Friendly" super category do not show up properly when the quick filter is applied.
  2. Pulling down to refresh applies the active quick filter(s) to the list view but not to the map.
  3. Points of Interest are not selected and zoomed to properly when tapping on them in the Explore search.
  4. Search against Mapbox is no longer constrained to the area of the current community.
  5. The scroll view around the text view in the challenge onboarding screen should not have padding around it.

Android 3.3.6

April 27, 2021

This release applies some "polish" to a few different areas of the app.


  1. Reviewed the implementation of challenge notifications and date/time submission to verify it's working properly.


  1. The info view for outing stops is not tappable.

iOS 2.10.4

April 27, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and minor improvements.


  1. Modified the design of the Experiences and Challenges tabs on the home screen to fit in with other child screens in the app.
  2. Reviewed the implementation of challenge notifications and date/time submission to verify it's working properly.


  1. Addressed a rare crashing bug in a few screens caused by state restoration.

iOS 2.10.3

April 25, 2021

This release includes bug fixes, internal improvements, and some enhancements to the new features introduced in the 2.10.0 release.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.1, Trails LA County 1.6.1, and TrailsMV 1.9.1.


  1. Re-implemented basic state restoration for all "root" screens.
  2. Set a placeholder image for organization logos in the Organizations tab on the home screen.


  1. URLs with hashtags do not work properly.
  2. Changing the case of a letter in a valid email address causes the log in screen to "hang".
  3. Home screen does not always pull in updates immediately.
  4. List view occasionally does not "sort by" location after switching communities.
  5. Requests made when logged in fail in rare cases.
  6. Long community names in Community Switcher at top of home screen do not truncate properly.

Android 3.3.5

April 23, 2021

This release includes bug fixes, internal improvements, and some enhancements to the new features introduced in the 3.3.0 release.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.2, Trails LA County 2.3.2, and TrailsMV 2.2.4.


  1. Hook up single tap application for the "Dog-Friendly" and "Family-Friendly" quick filters.
  2. Prompt for Google Play review in more cases.


  1. Trails with no name should never show up in the list view.
  2. Explore map doesn't update properly when some filter combinations are applied.
  3. Creating a post attached to a point of interest fails.
  4. When an access token is destroyed on the server, the Me tab does not handle it properly.

Android 3.3.4

April 19, 2021

This release includes bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.1, Trails LA County 2.3.1, and TrailsMV 2.2.3.


  1. Fix a few rare crashing issues related to functionality introduced in the 3.0.0 release.

Android 3.3.3

April 16, 2021

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.3.0, Trails LA County 2.3.0, and TrailsMV 2.2.2.


  1. Tapping the "Hide Paper Map" button does not hide the paper map.
  2. Quick filter shortcut labels on home screen should wrap correctly with hyphenated words.

iOS 2.10.2

April 16, 2021

This release includes a fix for an issue that may have caused like/unlike and bookmark/un-bookmark operations to fail for some users.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.7.0, Trails LA County 1.6.0, and TrailsMV 1.9.0.

iOS 2.10.1

April 13, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and design tweaks.


  1. Improved the tab view component on the new home screen.


  1. Overview map on legacy home screen does not update to dark style properly.
  2. Fix a crashing issue that occurred when outings in "Draft" mode were pushed to the app.
  3. Liking/un-liking and bookmarking/un-bookmarking operations fail occasionally.

Android 3.3.2

April 12, 2021

This release includes bug fixes and design enhancements related to the new functionality introduced in the 3.3.0 release.

iOS 2.10.0

April 7, 2021

This release includes a new home screen redesigned from scratch to help you find what you're looking for as quickly as possible and new quick filters (Open/Closed, Dog Friendly, Accessibility, Activities, Seasons, and Family Friendly) on the Explore tab so you can identify locations based on your interests.


  1. A brand new home screen redesigned from scratch to make it easy to catch up on what's going on in your community.
  2. New quick filters on the Explore tab to make it quick and easy to identify locations that match a set of criteria like open/closed, activities (hiking, biking, horseback riding, etc.), dog-friendly, and more.


  1. Updated tab bar icons.
  2. Add ability to display product updates in Social tab.
  3. Add Activities, Seasonality, Accessibility, Allowed Access, and Rules & Regulations tags to the Outings screen.

Android 3.3.1

April 2, 2021

This is a bug fix release to address a few issues introduced in the 3.3.0 release.

Android 3.3.0

April 1, 2021

This release includes a new home screen redesigned from scratch to help you find what you’re looking for as quickly as possible and two major improvements to the Explore tab: a list view and new quick filters (Dog Friendly, Accessibility, Activities, and Family Friendly) so you can identify locations based on your interests.

Note that the functionality in this release is incrementally rolling out to existing OuterSpatial Android users. This functionality will be available to all OuterSpatial Android users — along with Daycation Android, Trails LA County Android, and TrailsMV Android users — in the coming weeks.


  1. A brand new home screen redesigned from scratch to make it easy to catch up on what's going on in your community.
  2. A new list view on the Explore tab.
  3. New quick filters on the Explore tab to make it quick and easy to identify locations that match a set of criteria like open/closed, activities (hiking, biking, horseback riding, etc.), dog-friendly, and more.


  1. Updated tab bar icons.
  2. Add ability to display product updates in Social tab.
  3. Add Activities, Seasonality, Accessibility, Allowed Access, and Rules & Regulations tags to the Outings screen.

Android 3.2.1

February 26, 2021

This release includes enhancements to organization maps and some bug fixes/stability improvements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.2.1, Trails LA County 2.2.1, and TrailsMV 2.2.1.


  1. Organization maps now show photo previews in the feature info view.


  1. Selected outing line is not showing up properly in the Explore map.

Android 3.2.0February 24, 2021This release introduces search into the Explore tab. You can now search for the name of an Area, Outing, Point of Interest, or Trail and quickly select it and zoom to it on the Explore map!These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.2.0, Trails LA County 2.2.0, and TrailsMV 2.2.0.


  1. Added a search tool to the Explore tab.


  1. Hooked up photo previews to the Explore map feature info view. Photo previews will now show up when you tap on a feature if the feature has a photo.
  2. Improve the community loading process.

iOS 2.9.7

February 19, 2021

This is a bug fix release to improve your experience while using OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.6, Trails LA County 1.5.6, and TrailsMV 1.8.6.


  1. Trail distance and elevation profiles are not showing up properly in some contexts.
  2. Clean up some design issues in dark mode.
  3. A hero item tied to an event does not display properly.
  4. Implement a timeout for initial community load so users don't get "stuck" in bad network situations.
  5. Maps do not restore properly when app is backgrounded and then brought back to the foreground.
  6. The feature overview map is loading incorrectly, creating a jarring experience.

Android 3.1.4

February 10, 2021

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.4, Trails LA County 2.1.4, and TrailsMV 2.1.4.


  1. Hero Items can now be linked to Posts.
  2. Took out the background location permissions request.


  1. Bookmarking a point of interest sometimes fails.
  2. The home screen does not update after following a deep link to a post and then going back.
  3. A number of crashing bugs.

Android 3.1.3

February 5, 2021

You can now create and manage posts for Areas, Outings, Points of Interest, and Trails, including uploading a photo! This release also includes some bug fixes and minor enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.3, Trails LA County 2.1.3, and TrailsMV 2.1.3.

iOS 2.9.6

February 4, 2021

This release includes some "polish" and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.5, Trails LA County 1.5.5, and TrailsMV 1.8.5.


  1. Update the drop shadow for the share floating action button and the map control buttons while the app is in dark mode to make the buttons "pop" more.
  2. Hide the elevation profiles for Trails and Outings that do not have accurate elevation data.
  3. Add "Starting Elevation", "Ending Elevation", "Min Elevation", and "Max Elevation" labels underneath the elevation profile.
  4. Implement the image picker control added in iOS 14 to improve security.
  5. Start pulling in larger image sizes for devices that support them.
  6. Update the design of the share button in feature screens and update the share icons to make them more legible.
  7. Rework the initial Community data loading to improve the memory footprint of the app.


  1. The current location "dot" on the map is no longer the correct blue color.
  2. Outings that have not been published no longer show up on the Organization screen maps.
  3. The activity badge on the Social tab does not update the first time the tab is activated.
  4. The Explore map is no longer auto-zooming to the user's current location properly.

iOS 2.9.5

January 15, 2021

This release adds the "Map Options" control to the Organization map, making it possible to toggle on activity maps and paper maps from this screen. It also includes bug fixes and a few significant internal enhancements to pave the way for a big new feature coming soon!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.4, Trails LA County 1.5.4, and TrailsMV 1.8.4.


  • Add the "Map Options" control to the Organization map.


  • Filter out Hunting Units, by default, in Explore map.
  • Filter out "Draft" and "Archived" Outings.
  • Rename "Featured Content" to "Articles".


  • The overview map on the home screen does not display properly for branded apps when the app is restored from state.
  • Fix extra padding/margin at the top of the Articles screen.
  • Remove the "double" border at the top of the Social screen when embedded within certain contexts.

Android 3.1.2

January 15, 2021

This release contains more work on the new Social features. It includes the ability to like/unlike and comment on Posts contributed by the Community.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.2, Trails LA County 2.1.2, and TrailsMV 2.1.2.


  • You can now like/unlike Posts.
  • You can now comment on Posts and manage your comments.


  • Filter out "Draft" and "Archived" Outings.

Android 3.1.1

December 30, 2020

This release adds a Social tab to the Organization screen and addresses some bugs we hope you never noticed!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.1, Trails LA County 2.1.1, and TrailsMV 2.1.1.


  • Add the Social tab to the Organization screen.


  • Rename "Featured Content" to "Articles".


  • Address a crashing issue on the Featured Content screen.
  • Address a crashing issue on Challenge screen.
  • Address a crashing issue on the Edit Profile screen.
  • Address a crashing issue on the Social screen.
  • Address a crashing issue on Image Gallery screen.

Android 3.1.0

December 23, 2020

Introducing the new Social tab! You can now check out posts coming directly from our partner organizations. Soon you'll be able to add your own posts as well, so stay tuned!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.0, Trails LA County 2.1,0, and TrailsMV 2.1.0.


  • Implement a new Social tab on both the main tab bar and the tab bar in Area, Outing, Point of Interest, and Trail screens.
  • Display directionality arrows for Outing maps.


  • Update all support emails so they go to the new address.
  • Update placeholder images for Community badges.
  • Migrate Paper Maps to an improved tile source.

iOS 2.9.4

December 12, 2020

This release includes internal improvements and fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.3, Trails LA County 1.5.3, and TrailsMV 1.8.3.


  • Update the width of the Community Library cells.
  • Migrate Paper Maps to an improved tile source.
  • Hide the Max Elevation label if the elevation profile is unavailable.
  • Update all support emails so they go to the new address.
  • Cleanup the tab bar Share button styling and animation.


  • Switching a filter on the Explore tab does not properly deselect some features.
  • Incorrect length for Outing shows up in some cases.
  • The home screen map does not switch to dark mode properly.
  • The Organization map does not switch to dark mode properly.
  • Post details don't update correctly after modifying them.
  • Update feature maps to display the proper locations.
  • Clean up onboarding to ensure users without a network connection don't get "stuck".
  • The "Like" button in the Social tab highlights improperly when logged out.
  • Address a few rare crashes.

iOS 2.9.3

November 28, 2020

This release includes internal improvements and fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.2, Trails LA County 1.5.2, and TrailsMV 1.8.2.


  • Update Help Center to link to new OuterSpatial for Visitors knowledge base.
  • Make Settings screen scrollable.


  • Make all scrollable cells a consistent size to make it obvious they can be scrolled.
  • Switching between Landscape and Satellite in maps does not preserve the selected map feature.
  • The "GPS Disabled" banner should be tappable.
  • Fix a visual artifact that showed up when navigating back to the Community Library screen from the View All Communities screen.
  • Top of vertical scroll bar is incorrectly offset in some screens when on a "notched" iPhone.
  • The floating share button does not reappear after scrolling is stopped abruptly.
  • The Social screen does not restore from state properly.
  • The tab activity badge on Social shows and then disappears immediately.
  • The selected Point of Interest symbol does not show up properly on some detail maps.
  • Community sorting based on proximity does not work for Communities that have Organizations with no features.
  • Address a few rare crashing issues.

Android 3.0.26

November 25, 2020

This is another bug fix release to address some stability issues and shore up performance of the app.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.22, Trails LA County 2.0.22, and TrailsMV 2.0.22.


  • Implement a round of design polish across the app.
  • Show a placeholder Community badge while the actual Community badge is loading throughout the app.
  • Update Help Center to link to new OuterSpatial for Visitors knowledge base.


  • Fix a rare crashing issue that occurred on some Organization screens.
  • Fix a rare crashing issue that occurred on some Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail screens.

iOS 2.9.2

November 18, 2020

This release includes internal improvements and fixes.


  • Change placeholder image for community badges.


  • Home screen freezes when loading some communities for the first time.

Android 3.0.25

November 18, 2020

This is a bug fix release to address some stability issues and shore up performance of the app.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.21, Trails LA County 2.0.21, and TrailsMV 2.0.21.


  • Fix a crashing issue that occurred when viewing the Organization screen for an Organization with no Areas, Points of Interest, Outings, or Trails.
  • Resolve a bug that occurred when pressing the back button from the Outing Stop screen.
  • Fix a crashing issue that occurred when viewing the Organization screen for an Organization with no description.
  • Rework navigation flow of screens to pull data after a screen shows. This should resolve a few crashes we've seen on older and/or low memory devices.

iOS 2.9.1

November 14, 2020

This release includes internal improvements and fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.1, Trails LA County 1.5.1, and TrailsMV 1.8.1.


  • Add support for Hero Items linked to Posts.
  • Change presentation mode of Edit Profile screen to default.
  • Handle precise location access for iOS 14.


  • Quick filters on Explore map not tappable when restoring from state.
  • Dark mode not working properly for branded apps.
  • Empty space displaying at top of Community screen for branded apps.
  • Address memory issues in iOS 14 with Organization, Area, Outing, Point of Interest, and Trail screens.
  • Scrolling image view at top of some screens "moves down" the screen when restoring from state.
  • Fix margin at top of nested sections for Organization screens.

Android 3.0.24

November 12, 2020

This release adds photos to the Outing image gallery for Stops that are attached to an underlying Point of Interest, adds support for pull to refresh to all screens, and cleans up typography throughout the app. It also includes other minor enhancements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.20, Trails LA County 2.0.20, and TrailsMV 2.0.20.


  • Add Stop photos to the Outing image gallery for Stops that have an underlying Point of Interest.
  • Hook up pull to refresh for more screens.
  • Clean up typography throughout the app, most noticeably for bullet items.


  • Fix a crashing issue some users experienced on the Organization screen.
  • Fix a crashing issue some users experienced on the Home screen.

iOS 2.9.0

November 5, 2020

This release includes support for dark mode, improvements to elevation profiles for Outings and Trails, directionality arrows on Outing routes, and many smaller enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.6.0, Trails LA County 1.5.0, and TrailsMV 1.8.0.


  • Support for dark mode, including maps designed specifically for nighttime usage!


  • Add directionality arrows to Outing route lines.
  • Implement design improvements to address some user interface inconsistencies across screens.
  • Make the elevation profile interactive for Outings and Trails.
  • Migrate non-standard navigation bars to standard navigation bars.


  • Default the "View by" filter in the View All Communities screen to "Alphabetical" if location access has not been granted.
  • Name and description header in feature screens is empty if a feature is unnamed.
  • Disabled button in Map Options screen incorrectly uses system font.
  • Increase the bottom padding for map scale bar so it hides behind Feature Info View, when shown.
  • The "Whoops" screen appears incorrectly for some users when on a network connection.
  • Organization section is added multiple times when pulling down to refresh Event and Featured Content screens.
  • "Share" dialog does not display when trying to share an "Unnamed" feature.
  • "Share" links generated for posts not deep linking properly.
  • Selected feature in Explore map persists after switching the quick filter.
  • When network connection is bad, creating a post sometimes creates duplicate posts.
  • Hunting activity map in Hawai'i displaying all area boundaries, not just hunting units.
  • Trying to edit an existing post crashes the app.

Android 3.0.23

November 2, 2020

This release adds Stop photos to the Outing image gallery and fixes a few crashing bugs.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.19, Trails LA County 2.0.19, and TrailsMV 2.0.19.


  • Add Stop photos to the Outing image gallery.
  • Implement pull down to refresh for Home and Profile screens.


  • App occasionally crashes when viewing an Organization screen.
  • App occasionally crashes when viewing the Home screen.

Android 3.0.22

October 30, 2020

This release includes a new gallery view so you can view captions/attribution for images and zoom into them. It also includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.18, Trails LA County 2.0.18, and TrailsMV 2.0.18.


  • Tapping on an image will now open it in gallery view, where you can view the image details and interact with it.


  • Only show first five Documents and Paper Maps in feature and Organization screens. Add a "View More" button that opens a list of all the Documents or Paper Maps available.
  • Adjust the home screen design so it works better for new Communities with minimal content.


  • Clickable links not working properly in Event descriptions.

Android 3.0.21

October 23, 2020

This release includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.17, Trails LA County 2.0.17, and TrailsMV 2.0.17.


  • Add a Map tab to the Organization screen.
  • Add an email confirmation to the account sign up process and highlight unverified emails on the Me tab.
  • Restructure Settings tab.
  • Implement new Stewardships section in features screens to highlight "Owner", "Manager", and "Partner" steward Organizations.
  • Extend all card sections to the edge of the screen.


  • State of Community screen lost when navigating away and coming back to it.
  • Navigation bar missing name, type, etc. for Unnamed features.

iOS 2.8.7

October 16, 2020

This release includes a fix for an issue that was causing newly-uploaded images to not show up for some features.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.2, Trails LA County 1.4.2, and TrailsMV 1.7.2.


  • Newly-uploaded images not showing up for some features.

Android 3.0.20

October 13, 2020

This release includes improvements to Challenges to support Hawaiʻi Hunting Check-in/out, design improvements, and some bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.16, Trails LA County 2.0.16, and TrailsMV 2.0.16.


  • Add length in miles to trail screen.
  • Add button to Hawaiʻi Hunting Check-in/out Challenge to Hawaiʻi community home screen.
  • Hook up review prompt to add bookmark.
  • Clean up design of challenge screen to provide more vertical space.
  • Implement "textarea" control for Challenge questionnaire tasks.


  • Hyperlinks in Outing stop screens not tappable.
  • Backwards navigation in Challenge questionnaire form not working for radio sections.
  • Selected symbol for Points of Interest not showing up properly in some maps.
  • Selected behavior for Outings in Explore map showing two points rather than one.

iOS 2.8.6

October 2, 2020

This release includes enhancements to better support the newly-released iOS 14 and some general bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.1, Trails LA County 1.4.1, and TrailsMV 1.7.1.


  • Update the styling of the search tool.
  • Update the styling of the "View All Communities" button in the community library to make it more prominent.
  • Improve the initial loading behavior of the Social screen.


  • New Areas, Outings, Points of Interest, and/or Trails are not showing up properly in the Explore search and list.
  • "Newsletter" and "Donate" action buttons are not showing up in some Organization screens.
  • Bookmarks are not sorting properly.
  • An empty space shows up for "Unnamed" features in the map info view.
  • Investigate and address a number of edge case crashing issues.
  • Dates are not showing up properly in the Event section on the Home and Organization screen.
  • Times are not showing up properly in the Event screen.
  • Selecting a Paper Map on the feature information tab does not show the Paper Map if another Paper Map was toggled on previously.

iOS 2.8.5

September 23, 2020

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • Show organization logo and "type" (Area, Point of Interest, Outing, or Trail) for feature cells.


  • User should not be able to advance through Challenge questionnaire task questions without responding if they're required.
  • Hide the"+1" indicator, by default, on Social posts.
  • Detect if the underlying value of a Challenge questionnaire task question is a float or integer and format submission appropriately.

Android 3.0.19

September 18, 2020

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • Style the "View All Communities" button in the Community Library like a primary button.


  • Certain "follow_up" questions in Challenge questionnaire not working properly.
  • The "mi/km" toggle in Challenge questionnaire distance questions has a strange rendering artifact.

Android 3.0.18

September 16, 2020

This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.15, Trails LA County 2.0.15, and TrailsMV 2.0.15.


  • For distance fields in Challenge questionnaire form, support toggling between miles and kilometers.
  • Append more information to support emails to support Customer Success.
  • Update "Outings" labels for the Daycation flavor.

Android 3.0.17

September 14, 2020

This release includes bug fixes and improvements to the framework supporting the rollout of Challenges for Yosemite National Park and State of Hawaiʻi.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.15, Trails LA County 2.0.15, and TrailsMV 2.0.15.


  • Ensure the Me tab gets refreshed when the user joins or leaves a Challenge.
  • Disable forward navigation in Challenge questionnaire if number field is marked as required.
  • Verify that notification timing for Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study is correct.
  • Pending response badge number is not cleared when the user leaves a Challenge.
  • App crashes when opening Challenge menu and there are no pending responses.

iOS 2.8.4

September 13, 2020

This release includes improvements to the framework supporting the rollout of Challenges for Yosemite National Park and State of Hawaiʻi, as well as some general bug fixes to improve your experience while using OuterSpatial.


  • Update basic metadata submitted with Challenge responses.
  • Capture started at attribute on Challenge responses.
  • Migrate presentation mode for several screens to default.


  • "Allowed Access" tags not showing up properly in some trail screens.
  • Portrait photos not filling screen when first opened in Gallery.
  • Show the close button on the share screen when presented from a feature screen.
  • Like not updating in Social tabs after using logs in or out.
  • Links in the Terms & Conditions for Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study not working properly.
  • Links in some question labels for the Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study's questionnaires not working properly.

Android 3.0.16

September 12, 2020

This release includes bug fixes and improvements to the framework supporting the rollout of Challenges for Yosemite National Park and State of Hawaiʻi.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.15, Trails LA County 2.0.15, and TrailsMV 2.0.15.


  • Update basic metadata submitted with Challenge responses.
  • Add "Submit Pending Responses" button that submits all pending Challenge responses at once.
  • Show "No Network" banner on Challenge screen when no network connection is available.
  • Capture started at attribute on Challenge responses.
  • Change the "Back" button to "Close" in Challenge questionnaire forms, and ask for verification before closing.


  • Value of sliders in Challenge questionnaire forms not restoring properly.
  • Fix HTML not rendering properly for Challenge questionnaire sections.

iOS 2.8.3

September 7, 2020

This release includes a fix for an issue introduced in the 2.8.2 release that broke the display of images for some features.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.0, Trails LA County 1.4.0, and TrailsMV 1.7.0.


  • Images not displaying for some features.
  • "mi/km" switcher showing up improperly for some number inputs in Challenge questionnaires.
  • Organization connect screen displaying duplicate items.

iOS 2.8.2

September 4, 2020

This release includes improved search when using diacritics and other characters, account sign up improvements, enhancements to Challenges to support the rollout of the Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study, and a bunch of bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.0, Trails LA County 1.4.0, and TrailsMV 1.7.0.


  • Implement consistency, design-wise, throughout the app to lay the groundwork for an exciting new feature.
  • Add Challenge tasks that are "Ready" to main Share window.
  • Improve "fuzziness" of search to support diacritical markings and other symbols.
  • Support a configurable "Other" response for Challenge radio form sections.
  • Introduce a textarea form section for Challenges.
  • Support toggling between miles and kilometers for entry into Challenge distance form sections.
  • Add an email confirmation step to account sign up process and highlight the need to verify email on the "Me" tab.
  • Support underlined and bold text in Challenge information screens.
  • Support resending account confirmation email from "Need Help?" section and Edit Profile screen.


  • Duplicate photos showing up for Outings.
  • Cleanup a few errant borders on Community screen for branded apps.
  • New posts not showing up when pulling down to refresh the Social tab.
  • Scale bar not showing up on some maps and showing up in the wrong place on others.
  • "Me" tab slow to load when on a bad network connection.
  • Post gradient image view not showing up for some Posts when Social tab first loads.
  • Fixed an issue causing radio form sections to not update properly when hitting the "Back" button in the Challenge form.

Android 3.0.15

September 3, 2020

This release includes bug fixes and the framework to support the rollout of Challenges for Yosemite National Park and State of Hawaiʻi.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.14, Trails LA County 2.0.14, and TrailsMV 2.0.14.


  • Add Challenges section to Me tab.
  • Support follow up questions for Challenge questionnaire tasks.
  • Hook up staging for Challenge tasks based on response from questionnaire tasks.


  • Logged in users are forced to log back in frequently.
  • Dates on Featured Content items formatted incorrectly.

iOS 2.8.1

August 18, 2020

This release includes "polish" for the new functionality included in the 2.8.0 release — including a number of bug fixes and accessibility improvements — as well as significant work to support the rollout of Challenges in OuterSpatial.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.0, Trails LA County 1.4.0, and TrailsMV 1.7.0.


  • Implement accessibility improvements for Community Library.
  • Add dynamic title to search screen to provide more context based on how it is accessed.
  • Add ability to "View Terms & Conditions" for a Challenge once participating in it.
  • Make the "Start Over" action configurable for Challenges.
  • Implement Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study forms.
  • Append more debugging information to user-initiated support emails.
  • Hook up "staged" tasks for Challenges to support staging a task based on a Questionnaire response.
  • Implement support for a mixture of online and offline Challenge task responses.
  • Hook up save and restore for slider section in Challenge questionnaire form.


  • Addressed an issue that was causing the "Whoops..." screen to display for one user when it shouldn't.
  • Images loading in Social cause erratic scrolling behavior, especially on slower connections.
  • Two "caret" buttons showing up on Paper Maps screen.
  • State restoration on feature screens not restoring selected tab correctly.
  • Long Paper Map titles in Map Options screen overrun selected checkmarks.
  • Fix "flash" of the feature map screen caused by it loading twice when screen is first loaded.
  • User location intermittently not working properly.
  • Feature map tab sliding in from the wrong direction.
  • Floating share button on feature map screen should hide when the map info view is displayed.
  • Challenge task responses submitted in wrong timezone.
  • Notifications for Challenge tasks do not properly open the task screen.

Android 3.0.14

August 14, 2020

This release includes minor enhancements, a number of bug fixes, and a significant amount of internal work to prepare for an exciting new feature. (More information coming soon!)

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.13, Trails LA County 2.0.13, and TrailsMV 2.0.13.


  • Hook up to Community bounds override, if available.
  • Add more logging information to sign up and log in failures to help with debugging.
  • Add the Community mask to all maps.
  • A significant amount of work to support the Yosemite Wilderness Camping Study.


  • URLs not tappable in descriptions throughout the app.
  • Fix some issues related to offline caching of some screens.

iOS 2.8.0

Released August 8, 2020

This release includes support for new activity maps — the first of which is available for hunting in the Hawaiʻi community, a new Share button on the main navigation to make it easy to add a post or photo no matter where you are in the app, and redesigned sections on the home screen to highlight the Organization that created the content. It also includes a number of usability updates and fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.5.0, Trails LA County 1.4.0, and TrailsMV 1.7.0.


  • Support for activity maps. The first activity map supported is hunting (and it's only available in the Hawaiʻi community), but keep an eye out for more coming soon!
  • A new action button on the main tab bar makes it easy to add a post or a photo from anywhere in the app.


  • Add Organization information to Hero, Outing, and Featured Content items.
  • Design improvements for "Community Library" and "View All Communities" screens.
  • Images attached to posts now show at full height.
  • Hook up infinite scroll for Social feed.
  • Add completion date and other important metadata to Challenge task cards.
  • Simplify map controls to ensure the most important tools are always within easy reach.
  • Implement accessibility improvements for Hero items.
  • Support offline submission of Challenge responses.


  • The last filter on the Explore screen is not filtering the map properly.
  • Location dot should use Sky color.
  • Expired user sessions not refreshing properly in certain situations.
  • Some Trail tags not showing up properly on Trail screen.
  • Some user sessions persisting even after manually logging out.
  • Data for a few screens is not getting cached properly on-device.
  • Duplicate bookmarks getting created.
  • Duplicate likes getting created.
  • Photo container in Outing maps showing up even if no photo exists.
  • Pulling down to refresh in the "Community Library" screen wipes out the applied filter.
  • Pulling down to refresh in the "View All Communities" screen wipes out the applied filter.
  • Some Area, Trail, Point of Interest, and Outing maps not zooming to the feature bounds properly.

Android 3.0.13

Released July 31, 2020

This release includes fixes for bugs we hope you never saw!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.12, Trails LA County 2.0.12, and TrailsMV 2.0.12.


  • Separate Paper Maps into their own section in the Area, Outing, Point of Interest, and Trail screens.
  • Sort Hero items by creation date.
  • Display closed banner in the Explore map for Areas, Points of Interest, and Trails that are closed.
  • Add the ability to "Get Directions" to an Event.


  • Selected point of interest not showing properly on on some maps.
  • Reviewed our crash logs and addressed a number of rare crashing issues.

Android 3.0.12

Released July 16, 2020

This release includes minor enhancements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.11, Trails LA County 2.0.11, and TrailsMV 2.0.11.


  • Explore map bounds not updated properly when switching communities.
  • Opening some area screens causes a crash.
  • Following a deep link then switching communities sometimes re-triggers the deep link.
  • Reviewed our crash logs and addressed a number of rare crashing issues.

Android 3.0.11

Released July 10, 2020

This release includes a quick fix for an issue with the "Get Directions" feature introduced in 3.0.10.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.10, Trails LA County 2.0.10, and TrailsMV 2.0.10.

Android 3.0.10

Released July 10, 2020

This release includes the ability to "Get Directions" to a feature, significant design and content improvements to the feature screens, and other enhancements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.9, Trails LA County 2.0.9, and TrailsMV 2.0.9.


  • A new "Get Directions" action makes it easy to open Google Maps to route to an Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail.


  • Major design work on the Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail screens to improve content presentation and readability.

Android 3.0.9

Released July 6, 2020

You can now view and manage (create/remove) bookmarks for Areas, Outings, Points of Interest, and Trails! This release also includes fixes for a few issues that were preventing deep links from working properly in some edge cases, and, as always, other stability improvements and enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.8, Trails LA County 2.0.8, and TrailsMV 2.0.8.


  • View and manage (create/remove) bookmarks for Areas, Outings, Points of Interest, and Trails!


  • Usability improvements to the Community Library and View All Communities screens.
  • Minor design improvements to the Basemap selector screen.


  • Home screen fails to load properly in edge cases.
  • Reset password tool not working properly.
  • Stop screen not scrolling vertically when content overflows.
  • Deep links not working when app is not already installed.
  • Home screen refreshing unnecessarily after following deep link.

Android 3.0.8

Released June 19, 2020

This release includes enhanced support for caching data and content to support usage of the app without a network connection. This is just a start; we'll be making future improvements to the app's support for "offline" soon, so stay tuned. Per usual, we've also thrown in a few bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.7, Trails LA County 2.0.7, and TrailsMV 2.0.7.

iOS 2.7.4

Released June 16, 2020

This release contains a number of bug fixes and stability improvements. It also contains some internal work that will serve as the foundation for some exciting new functionality that's coming soon, so stay tuned!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.3, Trails LA County 1.3.3, and TrailsMV 1.6.3.


  • The default community bounds can now be overridden to account for communities that contain long linear or large polygon features that fall partially outside the community.
  • Add the "Get Directions" action to the Outing stop screen.


  • If one or more Explore filter is hidden, list view features are sometimes filtered improperly.
  • Explore filters still showing up even if location type(s) and or Outings are not available in the current community.
  • Tapping on some local notifications is not properly deep linking into the app.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Outing stop photos not to show up in the Outing image carousel.
  • The "View All Communities" screen did not properly sort the list of communities by proximity in certain cases.
  • Tweaked the Explore search tool to ensure cities and localities are sorted towards the top of the results.
  • Social activity badge not updating the first time the Social screen displays.
  • The "All" tab underline on the Explore tab is not present when the Explore tab is first activated.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Outing stop photos and titles to not get pulled in properly.
  • Fixes for the community features index background load. Performance should be improved, and stability should be as well.

Android 3.0.7

Released June 12, 2020

A minor release to fix an issue that occurred when tapping on a related location or Outing on the Event screen.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.6, Trails LA County 2.0.6, and TrailsMV 2.0.6.

Android 3.0.6

Released June 11, 2020

A minor release to make a few enhancements and fix some stability issues.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.5, Trails LA County 2.0.5, and TrailsMV 2.0.5.


  • The default "hero" image now displays for a community if no hero items are available.
  • Related features now show up in the Event screen, if available.


  • Fixed a few more stability issues.

Android 3.0.5

Released June 5, 2020

A minor bug fix release to fix an issue with hero items in the California community.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.4, Trails LA County 2.0.4, and TrailsMV 2.0.4.

Android 3.0.4

Released June 5, 2020

This release includes the new Community Library, which makes it easy to discover new communities. It also implements state restoration for all screens and addresses several stability and usability bugs.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.3, Trails LA County 2.0.3, and TrailsMV 2.0.3.


  • The new Community Library, accessed by tapping on the name of the current Community on the home screen, makes it easy to browse OuterSpatial's growing list of communities.
  • State restoration for all screens ensures you come back to where you left off if the app gets closed while in the background.


  • Tapping on an Outing stop now takes you to a screen that shows all the details for the stop.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing deep links not to load properly when the app launched in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some markers for Outing stops not to display.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Outing stop markers to be labeled incorrectly.
  • Fixed a few navigation and usability issues related to the "Need help?" account screen.

iOS 2.7.3

Released May 30, 2020

This is a bug fix release to address a few issues introduced by the 2.7.0 release, as well as some long-standing bugs we hope you never saw! This release also includes some "polish" to improve the OuterSpatial experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.2, Trails LA County 1.3.2, and TrailsMV 1.6.2.


  • Deprecated Facebook authentication. More information about "why" is available in our help doc.
  • The parent area name in the Point of Interest and Trail screens is now tappable.
  • Updated stewardship text on the Outing screen to "Created by" instead of "Owned by".
  • Added activity tags to the Point of Interest screen.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing deep links to fail when the app restored from the background.
  • Added a "Close" button to the transit activity sheet.
  • The "Close" button text on Document and Paper Map screens will no longer truncate when long Document/Paper Map names are present.
  • Fixed a few issues related to data loading of the community features index used by the search and list views.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing events to sort improperly in certain cases.
  • Implemented fixes for a few (rare) crashing issues.

Android 3.0.3

Released May 29, 2020

This release addresses several stability bugs introduced in the 3.0.0 release and includes a few minor cleanup items, as well.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.2, Trails LA County 2.0.2, and TrailsMV 2.0.2.


  • The "closed" banner now displays properly in the map info views and in the Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail screens.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing some deep links to fail for Daycation, Trails LA County, and TrailsMV.
  • Addressed a number of internal issues to improve the app's stability and performance.

Android 3.0.2

Released May 26, 2020

This release addresses a few crashing bugs introduced in the 3.0.0 release.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.1, Trails LA County 2.0.1, and TrailsMV 2.0.1.

Android 3.0.1

Released May 24, 2020

This release addresses a few bugs introduced in the 3.0.0 release and ads some polish to a few screens.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.0.0, Trails LA County 2.0.0, and TrailsMV 2.0.0.


  • Cleaned up formatting on the event screen.


  • Made the placeholder text on the Me tab scrollable.

Android 3.0.0

Released May 22, 2020

We've rebuilt OuterSpatial Android from scratch to provide a dramatically improved user experience. There are too many changes to list here, but the highlights are outlined below. Just as important, this release lays the groundwork for a bunch of new features and enhancements we're already working on. So keep an eye out for future releases!


  • All new cartography, including more detailed terrain data, support for 100+ point of interest types, and new selected states.
  • The app now supports deep links and a new share tool, so you can share an Area, Point of Interest, Outing, or Trail with a friend. They can follow the deep link and OuterSpatial will take them directly to the screen you shared. (Deep links work for both iOS and Android, so you can share them and know they'll work — no matter what type of phone your friend uses.)
  • You can now view sponsored communities — like Daycation, Trails LA County, and TrailsMV — in the OuterSpatial app.


  • The Organization screen now shows Areas, Points of Interest, Outings, and Trails the Organization is an owner, manager, or partner steward of.
  • We've worked hard to improve the overall performance of the app. We've also spent a lot of time optimizing battery usage to ensure OuterSpatial runs lean and mean on your Android device.


  • Addressed a number of stability issues that were impacting some users.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing download of the application data to fail in some cases.

iOS 2.7.2

Released May 9, 2020

This is a minor bug fix release to address a few more issues introduced by the 2.7.0 release.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.1, Trails LA County 1.3.1, and TrailsMV 1.6.1.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing new OuterSpatial account creation to fail for some users.

iOS 2.7.1

Released May 7, 2020

This is a minor bug fix release to address a few issue introduced by the 2.7.0 release.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.4.0, Trails LA County 1.3.0, and TrailsMV 1.6.0.


  • Unnamed features show up with blank "Name" on feature screens.
  • Improve handling of some edge cases related to authentication and bad network connection.
  • Onboarding should be disabled if no network connection is present.

iOS 2.7.0

Released May 6, 2020

This release includes significant enhancements to existing functionality and some internal improvements to enhance the OuterSpatial experience.


  • You can now "Add a Photo" to an Area, Point of Interest, Outing, or Trail.
  • Elevation profiles have been added to the Outing and Trail screens.
  • The new Community Library makes it easy to discover OuterSpatial communities in your area. Tap on the Community bar at the top of the Home screen to take a look.
  • A major rebuild of some of the app internals means performance when loading and switching Communities should be greatly improved. Also, most screens in the app can now be refreshed by pulling down. This ensures you always have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips at all times.


  • When getting directions to a feature, you can now select the transportation mode. The available options (Driving, Transit, Walking, and Biking) vary depending on which routing app you choose.
  • More intuitive sorting and presentation of information on Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail screens.
  • Internal work to improve battery performance.
  • Featured Content items now display in Area, Point of Interest, Outing, and Trail screens.
  • The Organization maps now show features the organization is a Manager or Partner steward of, in addition to features the Organization owns.


  • The "Map" tab on the Organization screen no longer displays if the Organization is not a steward on any features.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some Organization posts to not display properly in the Organization "Social" tab.
  • Cleaned up display on social tab. Also fixed an issue that was causing post text to display inconsistently in some contexts.
  • The height of the map information view is now taken into account when features on the map are zoomed to.
  • As always, this release also includes numerous other small fixes to enhance your OuterSpatial experience!

iOS 2.6.0

Released February 10, 2020

Want to engage more with OuterSpatial? Now you can! This release includes new social tools so you can create your own posts and comment on posts created both by other users and by OuterSpatial's organization partners.

This release also includes new sponsored communities — like Bend, Daycation, Trails LA County, and TrailsMV, an enhanced search tool, and a revamped organization screen so you can view all of your favorite organization's information in one place.


  • Social tools, including the ability to create posts and comment on posts created by others.
  • Sponsored communities.
  • New "gallery" screens for paper maps and documents make it easier to quickly find the item you're looking for.


  • If you have a network connection, the Explore search now pulls in results from an external source so you can search for a city, an address, or the name of a business.
  • A redesigned organization screen shows you a map of all of an organization's locations and outings and lets you view the organization's documents and paper maps allin one place.
  • Improved deep link behavior for areas, trails, points of interest, and outings.
  • Improved state restoration to ensure you can continue right where you left off.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing bookmark creation and user profile updates to fail in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the Explore map to fail to properly zoom to the user's location after switching communities.
  • As always, this release also includes other significant internal improvements that should improve your OuterSpatial experience!

iOS 2.5.3

Released December 17, 2019.

This release includes fixes for a few minor bugs.


  • Add Hawaiʻi community back in.
  • Fix a bug that caused deep links to communities to fail in certain cases.

Android 2.2.12

Released December 5, 2019.

This release includes two new communities: Tennessee and Utah! It also includes some stability and performance enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.12, Trails LA County 1.0.7, and TrailsMV 1.1.11.


  • Added the Tennessee and Utah communities.


  • Addressed a number of minor bugs.

iOS 2.5.2

Released December 5, 2019.

This release includes some "polish" for the new functionality introduced in 2.5.0, as well as two new communities: Tennessee and Utah. Welcome!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.2.1, Trails LA County 1.1.1, and TrailsMV 1.4.1/1.4.2.


  • Added the Tennessee and Utah communities.


  • Made major improvements to the data loading process. Data loading should now be faster and use less memory.
  • Tapping the "View in Explore" button now highlights feature in Explore map in addition to zooming/panning to the feature.
  • Improved text formatting so nested list items display properly.
  • Improved the stability of state restoration on some screens.
  • Improved deep linking. Now, when an area, trail, point of interest, or outing is linked to, the feature is highlighted on the Explore map.
  • State restoration now works for all screens in the app.
  • Maps no longer zoom/pan automatically when selecting a feature.


  • Handled some edge cases that caused deep links not to work properly after installing the app.
  • Fixed a bug that was occasionally causing two points of interest to display when selecting a point of interest.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Explore map to zoom to an incorrect location after selecting a search result.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the status bar on the main Social tab to change colors when going in and out of network service.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the support chat to fail to load when opened immediately after onboarding for the first time.
  • Fixed a rendering issue that was causing the "Closed" banner to squash in certain cases.

iOS 2.5.1

Released October 24, 2019

This release implemented a quick fix to open "Donate" URLs in the default web browser.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.2.0, Trails LA County 1.1.0, and TrailsMV 1.4.0.

Android 2.2.11

Released October 31, 2019

This release includes bug fixes to improve the OuterSpatial Android experience.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.11, Trails LA County 1.0.6, and TrailsMV 1.1.10.


  • Closed areas, trails, and points of interest now show the closed banner throughout the app.


  • Work on making Facebook authentication work more smoothly.
  • Stomped out some crashing bugs.

iOS 2.5.0

Released October 23, 2019

This release includes two big new features that should improve your experience when using OuterSpatial: State restoration/preservation and support for deep links, including integration with an improved share tool.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.2.0, Trails LA County 1.1.0, and TrailsMV 1.4.0.


  • The app now preserves its state when it goes into the background and restores it when re-opened. No more losing your location when out on an Outing!
  • Deep links are now available and hooked into a revamped share tool. This means you can now easily share an Organization, Event, Featured Content item, Area, Trail, or Outing with a friend.
  • Looking for some help? Tap on "Support & Feedback" in Settings to chat directly with our support team.
  • Use the new "Report an Error" and "Suggest an Edit" tools to give us feedback on content within the app.


  • iOS 13 optimizations.
  • Design improvements for the Social tabs and Event, Featured Content, and Organization screens.
  • Make activity badges available on the Social tabs to highlight new posts.
  • Add support for zooming in/out to the photo gallery.
  • Improved data loading to ensure the best performance and experience on all devices.


  • Numerous bug fixes.

Android 2.2.10

Released October 19, 2019

This release includes some bug fixes and minor internal enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.10, Trails LA County 1.0.5, and TrailsMV 1.1.9.


  • New design for community switcher.


  • Explore list view only shows one item.

Android 2.2.9

Released October 15, 2019

This release includes more minor enhancements and a significant number of bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.9, Trails LA County 1.0.4, and TRAILSMV 1.1.8.


  • Made it easier to access Stop information for Outings.
  • Implemented partner organizations for areas, trails, and points of interest.
  • Added organization information to the Outings screen.
  • Ensured landscape and portrait images are displayed consistently throughout app.


  • Location control not working in certain contexts.
  • Fixed a number of crashing bugs.

iOS 2.4.6

Released August 21, 2019

This update includes internal bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.6, Trails LA County 1.0.3, and TRAILSMV 1.3.5.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing some "Get Directions" actions to not function properly.

Android 2.2.8

Released August 19, 2019

This release includes some minor enhancements and a significant number of bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.8, Trails LA County 1.0.3, and TRAILSMV 1.1.7.


  • Added Credits section to Settings.


  • Updated some icons to their Material Design equivalents.


  • Stop points on Outing maps are now tappable again.
  • Highlighted Outing lines now display properly underneath Stop points.
  • Fixed some issues with Facebook authentication.
  • Fixed a number of rare crashing bugs.
  • Organization screen now includes all Events, Featured Content, and Outings.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the map on the Organization screen to display improperly.

iOS 2.4.5

Released June 19, 2019

This update includes a few usability enhancements and some bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.5, Trails LA County 1.0.2, and TRAILSMV 1.3.4.


  • Added reset password and log out actions to the Edit Profile screen.
  • Added a print button to the Document screen.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the splash screen to show over the loading screen.
  • If no image is set for Events and Things to Do items, banner should not be tappable.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing changes to the user profile to not save if made immediately after logging in.
  • Non-selected features outside of the current community should never appear.
  • Fixed a crashing issue that impacted a small percentage of users.

Android 2.2.7

Released June 5, 2019

This release includes a number of bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.7, Trails LA County 1.0.2, and TRAILSMV 1.1.6.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing bookmarks to not refresh properly on the Me tab.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing profile photos from being updated.
  • Also fixed several crashing bugs we hope you never saw!

iOS 2.4.4

Released May 31, 2019

This update includes some internal bug fixes and small enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.4, Trails LA County 1.0.1, and TRAILSMV 1.3.3.


  • Reworked splash and onboarding screens to ensure they work well on all device sizes.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing hero items linked to events to not display.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the splash screen to display sometimes when the loading screen should have been displaying.
  • Fixed an issue where the Explore map info view would display when the app first loaded on iPhone Xr and iPhone Xs Max.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the button over hero items to display improperly when only one hero item was available.

Android 2.2.6

Released May 31, 2019

This release fixes an issue that was causing paper maps to not display on the Outings screen.

Android 2.2.5

Released May 31, 2019

This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app and some minor enhancements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.6, Trails LA County 1.0.1, and TRAILSMV 1.1.5.

Android 2.2.4

Released May 25, 2019

This release includes bug fixes, minor enhancements, and a new community: Hawai'i!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.5, Trails LA County 1.0.0, and TRAILSMV 1.1.4.


  • Added the Hawai'i community.


  • Fixed an issue that caused titles of hero items, events, and featured content to truncate at two lines.
  • Fixed a number of rare crashing bugs.

iOS 2.4.3

Released May 23, 2019

This release enhances a number of existing features and fixes some bugs. It also contains internal improvements that will pave the way for some exciting new features coming soon!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.3, Trails LA County 1.0.0, and TRAILSMV 1.3.2.


  • Added the Hawai'i community.


  • Improved data loading, caching, and refreshing behavior so updates show up more quickly.
  • An improved data loading screen highlights what's going on behind the scenes.
  • A redesigned photo gallery supports full captions and is more consistent, design-wise, with other parts of the app.
  • You can now engage directly with organizations via their social media accounts, by signing up for their newsletter, and/or by donating to them.
  • You can now get directions to Outings.


  • Paper maps now display at all zoom levels.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Outings related to Events to not display properly.
  • Events that have already occurred no longer show up.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing email links not to work in certain cases.

iOS 2.4.2

Released April 17, 2019

This is a minor update that addresses the usability of the Organization screen.


  • Reworked the Organization screen overview section.

Android 2.2.3

Released April 17, 2019

This release fixes a bug that was causing content at the top of the home screen to sort improperly.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.4 and TRAILSMV 1.1.3.

Android 2.2.2

Released April 2, 2019

This release fixes a bug that was causing issues with Things to Do and Events.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.3 and TRAILSMV 1.1.2.

Android 2.2.1

Released April 2, 2019

This release includes internal bug fixes and enhancements. Our goal is to make OuterSpatial Android as stable and performant as possible; this release gets us closer to this goal!

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.2 and TRAILSMV 1.1.1.


  • Onboarding now properly finds the nearest community.
  • Photos are now sorted consistently.
  • Lists of documents now sort alphabetically.
  • If an Area has an address, it now displays in a tappable section.
  • The entire container is now tappable for map gallery items.


  • Fixed an issue causing Outings to not display properly in Things to Do screens.
  • Fixed 7 internal issues that were causing crashes for some users.

Android 2.2.0

Released March 24, 2019

With this release, we welcome our newest community: Oregon! This release also adds support for Outings and includes a redesign to the Explore tab as well as map improvements.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 1.0.0/1.0.1 and TRAILSMV 1.1.0.


  • Added the Oregon community.
  • Add support for Outings.


  • New quick filters on the Explore tab.
  • Improved terrain for the Alaska community.
  • Documents and events now display in location detail screens.
  • Support updating profile information.


  • Fixed an issue with Facebook sign up/log in.
  • Fix "tap" for certain types of points of interest on Explore map.
  • Fixed a display issue with the application logo on newer devices.

iOS 2.4.1

Released March 20, 2019

With this release, we welcome our newest community: Oregon! A number of bug fixes and minor enhancements also snuck their way in.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.1/2.1.2 and TRAILSMV 1.3.1.


  • Added the Oregon community.


  • Area, trail, and point of interest photos are now ordered consistently.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing events on organization screens to sort backwards.
  • Fixed an issue where the drag behavior of the Explore map infoview was a little "funky". (That's a technical term.)

iOS 2.4.0

Released February 5, 2019

This release includes new social tools, a fully redesigned and expanded point of interest symbol set, and content that sorts to display what's closest to you. As usual, it also includes a slew of smaller (but not to be forgotten!) internal improvements and bug fixes.

These release notes also apply to Daycation 2.1.0 and TRAILSMV 1.3.0.


  • New social tools make it easy to view and interact with updates directly from OuterSpatial's partner organizations.
  • Expanded the point of interest symbol set to include more than 100 types.
  • Modified the home screen overview map and carousel to show Outings and locations nearest to you (if you've given the app permission to access your location).
  • Similarly, the Explore list now automatically sorts to display Outings and locations that are closest to you — if, again, you have given OuterSpatial access to your location.


  • Implemented major performance improvements both when loading the app for the first time and when switching between communities.
  • Added edit and camera buttons to make it clear that profile editing tools are available in the Me tab.
  • Improved the "Reload Community Data" tool in the application settings.
  • Cleaned up the navigation hierarchy to make it more intuitive.
  • Implemented lazy loading of some secondary detail maps to improve the memory footprint.
  • Cleaned up terrain data for Alaska community.
  • Added new area and trail tags, including: Seasonality, an expanded list of activity types, and common rules and regulations.
  • Improved messaging around failed log ins and sign ups to make it clear what went wrong.
  • Implemented community "masks" throughout the app's maps.
  • Implemented Universal Links so opening a URL on your device will now open the app, if available.
  • Added support for "Manager" steward organizations.


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the splash screen to not display at times when loading the app from the background.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the bookmark button to stay disabled after successfully creating a bookmark.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the profile photo from being saved.
  • Fixed an issue where the Explore map infoview would hide when navigating back to Explore from a child screen.
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